F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


I count the wrong date – I got the wrong date

my blood was boiling – I’m extremely angry

a local place ( not a tourist place)

Thai Baht – the currency used in Thailand

I will get sick of Thai Food.

basil – jiu ceng ta

eg: Thai food uses a lot of basil.

way – very much

eg: The food was way too spicy.

Six degrees of separation – to be connected with anyone in the world through at least 6 people.

eg: You can know or be acquainted with any person through six different relationships. For example, I know a girl who lived with my family. She has a cousin. Her cousin Married a famous Actor, Jim Carrey. So in a way, I know Jim Carrey.

Movie: Dumb and Dumber   (An American comedy classic)


my sister posted this

I have been five years not that angry – I went five years without getting that angry


Horse – Horr’s

familiar – Fuh Mill Yerr

Writing exercise

This morning I met an old friend, she told me, she had a fight with her husband and she was felling down. I asked, what’s your problem? kids? She said, just tired, do you feel tired to your husband? Do you have words to your husband? I said,when we stay at home and don’t do anything, we both laying down on the bed lazy. I put my computer between us and turn on my favorite drama. We watch our own mobile and we both keep quiet. My friend nod and said, we too.
It’s normal states among youth couple. Maybe you think married is peace, but the electronics was destroying our marriage. The mobile was replacing your husband, your wife, your career, until your life.

This morning I met an old friend, she told me, she had a fight with her husband and she was feeling down. I asked, what’s your problem? kids? She said, just tired, do you feel tired of your husband? Do you have something to say to your husband? I said, when we stay at home and don’t do anything, we are both lazy and lay around. I put my computer between us and turn on my favorite show. We watch our own phones and we both keep quiet. My friend nodded and said, us too.
It’s normal among young couples. Maybe you think marriage is peace and happiness, but the electronics are destroying our marriage. The phones are replacing your husband, your wife, your career, and eventually your life.