F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I only have one week left at Smart English.

it’s too demanding. It takes a lot of time and energy.

I’m looking into two choices for jobs.

lucky you were not alone

my mom prepare got a house for him

Certified (ADJ) certification (N) – you

eg: I got certified to teach yoga.

eg: I got my yoga teaching certification.

zap – electricity sound, or get hit by electricity

eg: I use a bug zapper to get the mosquitoes.


she bought a house for many years ago

one hundred

hundreds of people (200-300, more than ONE hundred)

I didn’t go to here (No preposition with Here, There)

Come here.

I didn’t come here recently.

Go there.

I don’t like spiders


recently- ree SEN'(t) Lee

Don’t – Don’ Te

Can’t – Kan’ t /   KAN’

eg: I can’t do it.

Can – Ken

eg: I can do it.