F2F Class Notes (Tony)


use some thing to make it tighter

some classes run the whole semester, but most are only 8 weeks long

I took many classes this semester

paint a picture / make a painting

you said those were just suggestions, and I didn’t need to answer all those questions.

time period – a set length of time, for example, the 1990’s (1990-1999)

eg: Hamilton is a period piece, but they sing hip hop in the play. So the music is not from that period.

drop a class – quit taking the class

eg: I haven’t dropped any classes.


Haven’t vs. Didn’t

eg: I haven’t dropped any classes.(never before, not one time)

eg: I haven’t dropped any classes this year. .(never before THIS YEAR***, not one time THIS YEAR***)

eg: I quit smoking. I haven’t smoked a cigarette this year.

eg: I quit smoking, I haven’t had a cigarette all afternoon.

eg: I didn’t drop any classes. (MAYBE never before, MAYBE not one time) (PROBABLY recently, or about a SPECIFIC time)

eg: I didn’t drop any classes this year.

eg: I quit smoking, I didn’t have a cigarette this afternoon until my wife called.

Have you ever ____ (done)

eg: Have you ever fallen on ice?
Yes, I’ve fallen on ice.

eg: Have you ever fallen off and hurt yourself?

Have you ever broken a bone?
No, I’ve never broken a bone.

people need to focus on the story

I picked up it

I picked it up.

I picked up a new hat.


solve – s’All ‘ V

solve it – s’All Vit