F2F Class Notes (Tony)


there are not enough

There are too many men, there are not enough women.

law – something that people must obey and follow.

eg: It is against the law to drive faster than 75km/h on this road.

eg: There is a law, that you can not smoke inside restaurants.

eg: Stealing is illegal.  (ADJ)

lawyer – a person who practices law. It is their job to know the laws.

eg: You should hire a lawyer.

eg: We need a lawyer to check this contract.

melatonin – a chemical produced by your brain, that helps you sleep and relax

eg: You can buy melatonin from any health food store. It is completely safe to take.

start date / on board date / hiring date


Noun – Person, Place or Thing

eg: That restaurant has the best churros.(N)
What are churros?

Really ( ADV.) + (V.)

a little don’t like -I don’t like (a little strong) / I don’t really like / I don’t love / It’s not my favorite…

I totally(100%) love that place. They have the best tacos.

eg: I really like swimming.

eg: I really like doing yoga.

eg: I completely (ADV)  forgot (V) about that.

eg: I will completely forget about it, if I don’t write it down.

eg: I completely forget about it ( Every time, Usually, Always)
What? You always completely forget about it?

(ADJ) + (V.)

I little like.     /  I very like.

I big eat lunch.   I strong go there.

It is brighter than before.

there‘s some feedback in my reply.