F2F Class Notes (Tony)


unconscious – asleep, or knocked out, passed out, coma

eg: He is unconscious, maybe we should call an ambulance.

sub-conscious – the part of your mind that just acts, and does not need thinking.   Subconsciously (ADV) To do something without thinking about it

eg: When I get stressed, during working at work I eat snacks sub-consciously.

spontaneously – quickly without any warning

I can follow the actors

immerse (V) – to be completely in something, like water

eg: The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in that environment.

tie -same score at end of game

eg: The game was a tie.

eg: They tied.

draw – even score

eg: It was a draw.

Jargon – Words, that are used by specific groups of people

eg: When I worked at DisneyWorld, we used a little bit of jargon. For example we called customers as a guests.

Choreographed – designed and planned movements, like in a dance or a play

eg: Everything inside DisneyWorld is choreographed.


I don’t know either/ as well

I’m a product manager

based on research the market

I have to come up with a new strategy

about regarding the clarity(n)
(The Noun form of the word, “Clear (adj), is Clarity. The spelling is different for the  noun form of this word. )