F2F Class Notes (Tony)


sometimes red and green shades can contrast

theoryan idea about why something is happening. That is maybe true, but we don’t know if it is really true.

eg: Every time I leave my cat at home, the door is open when I come back. I have a theory why this is happening. My theory is, the cat is bored at home, and wants to go out and see his friends. He can open the door, but he can’t close it.

eg: I studied a lot of film theory in school.

eg: I studied fashion and design theory.

eg: Every good design is based on theory.

principles – some rules that explain why things are naturally that way

eg: You can study some design principles and it will help you make a better picture.

eg: According to principles of film, you should always have a small light relfection in the person’s eye. So they look more alive.

eg: Everything has their own design principles. But some principles can be used for different things, like painting and makeup.

eg: Color contrast is a very useful art principle. It can make things stand out.

design principles

eg: Design principles say, a poster design should not have too many things on it.

architecture – designing buildings

eg: He studied architecture in univeristy.

teal – a blue /green color

eg: Teal and orange is a very popular look in movies.