F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Next Class Focus

Grammar Correction: some customers will ask us how to pass through lightning.


in a lab (Laboratory)

we played soccer in the rain

you shouldn’t play golf in the rain

Monsoon Season – the time of year, that it is very rainy

eg: June is in monsoon season for Shanghai.

alloy – mixed metals

strike – to hit very hard

Speaking exercise

Try to explain: Answer all the questions, in a speaking practice.

Why is it dangerous to play golf in the rain?

Why is it dangerous to hold up a long piece of metal in the rain?

What could happen?

Because when you play golf, you have to hold a long metal rod, which is made by steel. When it is raining maybe there are flashes and there are a lot of flashes with big loud voice. If you hold the rod, you maybe you get a flash hitting, it is very dangerous. The flash hit you would hurt you.

It is dangerous to play golf in the rain because when you play golf, you have to hold a long metal rod, which is made of steel. When it’s raining maybe there is some lightning and there are a lot of flashes in the sky with big loud sounds. If you hold the rod up, you will maybe get (hit/struck) by lightning, it is very dangerous. The lightning can hit you and would seriously hurt you.You are literally holding a lightning rod.

Why will it hit the metal?

Steel material can pass electricity. And get into you body.

Steel can conduct electricity. And pass through your body. Electricity is attracted to metal.