F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S+R]


More and more people have beauty surgery to look like their selfies. How do you think filters are gonna change the sense of aesthetic of our children.

Because it is the iconic building of Paris.
It just like the forbidden city of China.
We feel pity when we heard about the news and we were surprised for their careless.
This is an iconic place so I think the government should take a lot of measures to protect it just like Gugong does.

It helps city to attract different visitors of the world, it is a symbolization of the power of the city.
It is hard to express, I think people in China don’t get that level to admire beauty. sometimes they think something is beautiful but actually it is ugly so we need to nurture our sense of beauty.
Maybe it will take a long time and a lot of money.

If he doesn’t have aesthetic sense then the video wouldn’t be that nice.
I always use filters to make me use slimmer, whiter but I don’t use it too much
I don’t trust photos, for example I saw a picture that the girl looks pretty, but when I saw the real person wow… she was not that nice.

Because it is the iconic building of Paris.
It just like the forbidden city of China.
We felt it was such a pity when we heard about the news and we were surprised by their carelessness.
This is an iconic place so I think the government should take a lot of measures to protect it just like the government does for the forbidden city.

It helps city to attract different visitors from all over the world, it is a symbol of the power of the city.
It is hard to express, I think the aesthetic sense of  Chinese people is not yet developed enough. / is still evolving.
Sometimes they think something is beautiful but actually it is ugly/ it isn’t that beautiful. so we need to nurture our sense of beauty.
Maybe it will take a long time and a lot of money.

If he doesn’t have an aesthetic sense then the videos wouldn’t be that nice.
I always use filters to make my face slimmer, whiter but I don’t use them on a high intensity.
I don’t trust photos, for example I saw a picture of a girl who looked pretty, but when I saw the real person wow… she was not that nice.


symbol : something that evokes something else
The cross is the symbol of the hospital

to evolve: to change into something different.
pokemons evolve when they grow up.

to symbolize : to be a symbol for
The pearl tower symbolizes the development of Shanghai.

symbolization / symbolism : what people associate based on their culture
symbolization of colors is different in the West and in the East.

to feel pity : to feel sorry
I saw a homeless person on the street, I felt pity for him and gave him a coin.

intensity: how strong something is
I use filters but on a low intensity.

aesthetic sense: sense of beauty
To be an artist you need a strong aesthetic sense.

filters : Preprogrammed things that change how something looks / a way to sort organized information
I used a filter to make my face whiter in the video.
I set up a filter on my mailbox so that I directly see the emails from my boss.

forbidden city 故宫

to engulf : surround
our house was engulfed in flames right after we evacuated.

blaze: intense fire
The blaze needs to be hot for metal to melt.

to devastate : to completely Destry / to leave destruction / (use for catastrophe / feelings)
The hurricane devastated the city.
I was devastated by the death of my mother.

icon : symbol

Iconic : symbolic
The pearl tower is the iconic monument representing Shanghai.

hurricane : big wind
The hurricane didn’t hit Shanghai.

artifact: something of value from the past
Many ancient artifact were stolen during wars

relics: high value artifact

address: noun : where somewhere is located / speech
Xijinping gave an address on TV for new year.

to address: to speak to/about
The CEO addressed the situation of the company in our speech.

to vow: to promise
He vowed to love her on their wedding day.


when you don’t want to appear to harsh use a negative sentence:
You did very poorly (harsh)
You didn’t do that well (slightly nicer)

The house was ugly
the house was not so nice.