F2F Class Notes (Tibo) (S)


write a comparison between Mexico and China

review irregular verbs ( https://www.esl-lounge.com/reference/grammar-reference-most-common-irregular-verb-list.php)

Today we focused on:


Speaking exercise

I take plane go to Beijing  -> I take the plane to go to Beijing
it takes 2 hours / it takes 2 hours to go to BJ by plane
train needs long time to go -> the train takes longer than the plane.

I like Beijing when I was young I lived in Beijing for about 18 years.

I cannot compare because for the weather Shanghai is better for me but for life or friends I think Beijing is better. / in terms of weather
I grew up in Beijing so I have many friends in Beijing / I have more friends in Beijing than in SH.
sometimes I want to go back to BJ but I think for my work maybe SH is better because many global companies in SH. -> many global companies are (based) in SH / many global companies headquarter in SH.

I think living in the Philippines is better than China. because many is very relaxed and don’t have pressure to them but in China many people have pressure for work and some social. ->
I think living in the Philippines is better than China. because Filipinos are very relaxed and don’t have pressure but in China many people have work and social pressure / many people pressure me at work and in my social life / people give me pressure at work…
if you age maybe 27 to 30 already parents will give you pressure -> if your age is about 27 to 30 / from 27 to 30

And sometimes work is finished / I have finished work but we need to go to the restaurant with our boss.
also I cannot find a job in the Philippines because it needs to speak English very well. / it requires a good level in English.
I think Filipinos are very kind to people they always smile/ they are friendly to people but in China people always have a distance / keep a distance./ in China people are less friendly.
It is more difficult to make friends with SH people, they have a different culture than BJ people.
Maybe the southern culture and the northern culture cannot understand each other.
I just think it is easier to make friends with northern people


south (n)
I visited the south of China.

southern (adj)
I visited southern China

northern (adj)


eastern (adj)

to import (v): buy from other countries
The companies imports French wine.

importer (n) : someone who imports
Our company is a car importer

to export (v) : sell to other countries
China exports many IT products

imported (adj): brought from abroad
imported products are expensive

require (v) : need for a purpose
this job requires to speak English because you will travel a lot

requirement (n)
I need to follow the requirements of my clients

headquarter (HQ) (n/v)
Many global companies are headquartered in SH
The Adidas HQ is in SH.

to upload (v): put on the internet
I uploaded on our website

to download (v) take from the internet to your computer / phone
I downloaded a movie

mother tongue (n) = first language
Chinese is my mother tongue

jail/prison (n) place where bad people are kept behind bars
Tom robbed a bank and went to jail for 5  years

in terms of : about this topic / for …
In terms of salaries, people make more money in SH than in the Pilippines
In terms of food I prefer Chinese food.


comparison :between 2 things
short word (2 syllables or less) => adj +r/er
short -> shorter
long -> longer
cheap -> cheaper
the plane takes shorter than the train
Going to the Philippines is cheaper than going to Europe

long word (2 syllables or more) => more + adj / less + adj
expensive -> more expensive
difficult -> more difficult
convenient -> more convenient

Life in Europe is more expensive than in the Philippines.
English is more difficult than Chinese for me  / I find English more difficult than Chinese

finish : finish (present) / finished (past simple) / finished (past particle)
eat: eat (present) / ate (past simple) / eaten (past particle)

have + pp
I have eaten dinner
I have finished my work

for + period of time
I lived in BJ for 18 years.
I stayed in the Philippines for 3 months.

use an article (a/the) with a singular noun
I went to a restaurant
I met Tom at the hospital

general idea -> use the plural
I like cats  ( all the cats)
bad people should go to jail
I like a cat (I like this one)
I don’t like living in cities because it is stressful

to + purpose 
I work hard to get promoted
I want to learn English to move to the Philippines

grow : grow / grew / grown

be + emotion/status
Tom is happy
John is married

action -> use the verb directly
I travel to BJ
I work hard

no articles with names
I went to Huashan hospital
I met John

the + noun
I went to the hospital

from … to … to give a range
iPhones are priced from 5000 to 12000 depending on the model