F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Next Class Focus

cover present simple / present continuous in more details + practice
+ cover why / how questions.


1 – ask a new teacher a few questions using what / where / when

2 – introduce yourself (small writing)

Today we focused on:

Speaking exercise

My name is Wang, I am from Shanghai China. I am 32 yo.
I am a warm person. I am helpful but I am very lazy.
I likes to reading and playing with my phone.
Football and my dog.
I am a stock broker.

My name is Wang, / I am Wang / I am called Wang.
I am 32 / I am in my 30s /I was born in 1987 / I was born in the 1980s

I am from Shanghai China.
I am a warm person. / I am warm.
I am helpful but I am very lazy. / but sometimes lazy.

I like reading and playing with my phone.
I play football and I play with my dog.
I am a stock broker. /I work as a stock broker.


What – … 什么
What is your name? -My name is Wang / I am Wang
where is your son?
where are your sons?
Where are your dogs?

What do you like? – I like playing games / I like to watch TV.
What do you like to eat?  -> I like to eat fish and meat / I like to eat Chinese food.
What do you like to listen to? -> I listen to pop music.
What music do you like?  -> I like rock music

What are (2+) your hobbies ?  My hobbies are reading and playing football games.
What is (1)  your hobby? -> My hobby is reading
What is your job? -> I am a teacher
What do you do? -> I work as a stock broker
What phone (n) do you use? -> I use an Iphone
What do you study ? -> I study English
What did you study? -> I studied finance / I studied stock management.
What time do you sleep? -> I sleep at 11pm.

Where – 在那里。。。
Where are you from ? -> I am from China.
Where do you work? -> I work in LuJiaZui
Where is your company?  My company is in Lujiazui
Where do you live? -> I live in Hongkou.
Where is your house/apartment? -> My apartment is in Hongkou.
Where was your university? -> My university was in Shanghai
Where did you study? ->  I studied in Shanghai.

– 什么时候….
When do you sleep? -> I sleep at 1 am.
When do you work? I work on Monday.
When do you start work? I start work at 9am
When do you finish work? I finish work at 6pm
When do you get off work (下班)? I get off work at 6pm
What is your (English) class? -> my class is at 5pm
When do you go to class ? -> I go to class at 5pm
When is the/your summer holiday? My summer holiday is in August.
When is your spring festival holiday? it is from January 22 to January 28.
When do go back / go on holiday? I go on holiday on January 22. / I go back to BJ on January 21.


singular (1)单数形式
cat is singular

plural (2+)复数形式
cats is plural

Spring festival(n) 春节
My Spring Festival holiday starts on January 22.

to study学习
I study English in SE.

company (n) 公司
My company is in Jing an.

(n) 房子
I have a big house.

apartment (n) 公寓
I live in a apartment

rock music (n) 摇滚音乐
I like to listen to rock music. / I like listening to rock music.

hobby( n) 爱好
My hobby is reading

to be born 出生
I was born in 1987 / I was born in SH.

finance (n) 资金
I work in finance.

to manage (v)  管理
I manage a lot of money.

to introduce  (v) 介绍
Can you introduce yourself?
I want to introduce a friend to you.

breed (n) 品种
There are many dog breeds.

Teddy 泰迪
My dog is a teddy.


like to do (something):
I like to read (books)

like doing (something) :
I like watching TV


reading dates:

1987 =19 / 87 = nineteen eighty seven
2020 = 20 / 20 = twenty twenty
1905 = 19 / 05 = nineteen o five


present simple (do / be )
I work in Lujiazui
I am 32 yo.

to work
I work in Lujiazui
They work in Lujiazui
Only He / She / It V+s -> he works in Lujiazui (only in the present simple)
Tom (he) works in finance
My dog (it) eats a lot of food.

present continuous (be +Ving)
I am studying English  我现在在学英文
I am sleeping
tom is sleeping