F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Do you expect to buy anything on 12/12?

Speaking exercise

11/11 is better than blackfriday . I can got a better price for something I want.
In China maybe it is not popular.  Cyber Monday is like another Black Friday.

for working sometimes my clients c challenge me you should give me more ideas. This idea I have seen but I want some ideas I have never seen. I am stressed to spend much time to think about some new ideas some weird ideas. some ideas my clients have never seen. So hard for me.

It is not easy to be a creator, sometimes I want to create something beyond myself but it is not easy to do it.
The show is immersive show, it is …… You can get online at first and you get an online invitation from the web. and you will get some info about a secret location and some details about the story and you can get an idea of the story and in that day you arrived at the location and there was a black and take you and other audience to a secret location but you never know and when you arrive at the gate and the show was begin and you are a part of the cast. and there are two ways to play and to join. you can choose to singly explore or to blend in with the crowd and take some missions to finish.

In my work sometimes my clients challenge me , they tell me you should give me more ideas. They don’t want what they have seen before / they want something totally original .
I am stressed to spend much time to think about some new ideas some wild ideas.
some ideas my clients have never seen. it is so hard for me. / it is really hard for me / it really worries me.

It is not easy to be a creator, sometimes I want to create something beyond myself but it is not easy to do.
The show is an immersive show, it is participative .
You can get online at first and you get an online invitation from the web. and you will get some info about a secret location and some details about the story and you start to formulate an idea of the story and on that day you arrive at the location and there is a black car and it takes you and other audience to a secret location but you never know where it is and when you arrive at the gate the show begins and you are a part of the cast/ you participate in it. There are two ways to play . you can choose to explore on your own/ solo or to blend in with the crowd and take some missions to finish the storyline.


I got it at 20% off / I got it with a 20% discount
I got it for 200usd / very cheap


cloud : 云
Cloud storage

to participate in something : to take part in / help
I participated in the set up of the show.

participation (n)
They thanked me for my participation in the show.

storage : the way you keep things / store things for future use.
I decided to store my old clothes at my parents’ home because I don’t use them anymore.
I need to buy a new SSD because I ran out of storage.

to run out: to use up / not have any left
I spent too much on 11/11 so I almost ran out of money.
We will run out of gas so we need to use renewable energy sources.

renewable : able to become new again (re new able) / able to recover from being used up
The wind is a renewable energy.
To stay creative you have to renew your way of looking at things.

autobiography : about your own life
John Smith wrote his own biography. it is an autobiography.

biography : about the life of someone else
Tom wrote the biography of Donald Trump

weird : strange
Some ideas can look weird to some clients.
I like weird things, they are creative.



tech knowledge


weird (wee)
