F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

My grandfather was a farmer and one day after he finished work and walked home he passed by a tombstone but he didn’t notice it and he stepped next to it and he lost himself and started to crawl around the tombstone. And he didn’t stop crawling until the other morning.
So I think there must something we didn’t know.In China there is a one sentence but I don’t know.
It depends on what happens. I am interested in reading the stories about the superstitions.

If you want to give the present to someone, first you should know the culture of the person. Maybe I can’t understand why but I will accept it.

For me it is just an interesting thing to know about and for my hometown this is not a big thing. Maybe we only have some taboos.
For example you can’t put your chopsticks on your bowl or insert the chopsticks into the rice
Before I go for traveling I will try to learn as much as I can / as much as possible

Several years ago I will say no thank you. but they will say that’s ok and I will accept.

My grandfather was a farmer and one day after he finished work and walked home he passed by a tombstone but he didn’t notice it and he stepped next to it and he lost his mind.  and started to crawl around the tombstone. And he didn’t stop crawling until the next morning.
So I think there must some things we didn’t know.In China there is a one sentence but I don’t know how to say that in English.
It depends on what happens. I am interested in reading the stories about the superstitions.

If you want to give a present to someone, first you should know the culture of the person. Maybe I can’t understand their reasons why but I will accept it (nonetheless).

For me it is just an interesting thing to know about/ I’m just curious about it and for my hometown this is not a big thing. Maybe we only have some taboos.
For example you can’t put your chopsticks on your bowl or insert the chopsticks into the rice
Before I go on a trip I will try to learn as much as I can / as much as possible about the country.

Several years ago I would say no thank you. but they would say that’s ok and I would  accept.


etiquette : the rules of behaving politely
The etiquette commands that if someone invites you for dinner you need to …..

seniority: respect of people having a higher status / being older.
Seniority is very important in our company. All the directors have been with us more than 10 years.

to address : to talk about
The CEO didn’t address the problem in his speech.
How can I address you? Is my beloved king ok?

a sample : a small piece to check for ….
The company gave us a sample for quality check.

to sample : to take a small piece
You should sample all the dishes.

to toast : to cheers
We decided to wait for John to get a drink before starting to toast.

nonetheless/nevertheless : in spite of that
It was raining heavily but we went out nonetheless.

taboo 禁忌
asking a woman her age is a taboo.

incense stick : what people burn in temples
You cannot put your chopsticks vertically in a bowl of rice because it looks like incense stick people burn in temples.

do’s and don’ts : what is ok and what is taboo
I read about the do’s and don’ts in China before my trip.

superstitions 迷信
I do not believe in superstitions

to crawl 爬
Babies start to crawl before they learn how to walk