F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S/W]


What did you think about the end of GOT?

Speaking exercise

a lot of people they just off the work.
I go to hospital and have my year check.
I go to the bar yesterday and it is loud so I just go there for a while and go away. I am getting old I just really want to sleep. I pick up 200 any on the street. I think it is everyone getting drink and lost their mind so they drop money.

I see my colleagues they just post to the internet have a lot of delay. Like 4-5 hours it is terrible.

Because I sit in a seat 2 hours. It is dangerous if people stand because we have a lot of turbulences. They cannot eat.
I think people like comfortable things.

I like Airbus because their doors in the emergency situation they open automatically.
But the Boeing if the emergency comes you need to push. it is big. and the Boeing compartment you need to push and the airbus you just close.
Airbus is more convenient
The small boing. Landing is .. bang… it is pretty heavy and have a lot of turbulence.

a lot of people they got off. / finished work.
I went to the hospital and had my yearly/annual check up / annual health check
I went to the bar yesterday and it was loud so I just went there for a while and went back / went home. I am getting old I just really want to sleep. I picked up 200 any on the street. I think it is because everyone was drunk and lost their mind so they dropped money.

I saw my colleagues they just posted on their moments about the delays. It was like 4-5 hours it was terrible.

Because if I sit in a seat for 2 hours I will be tired / after sitting for 2 hours I will be tired.
It is dangerous if people stand because we have a lot of turbulences. They cannot eat.
I think people like comfortable things./ flights.

I like Airbus because their doors in the emergency situation/in case of an emergency  open automatically.
But if you fly a Boeing if there is an emergency you need to push the handle. it is big and heavy.
and to close the Boeing compartment you need to push them up. and the airbus you just pull it down.
Airbus is more convenient
on a small Boeing. Landing is rough .. bang… it is pretty heavy and suffers a lot from turbulence / is prone to turbulences

Writing exercise

Don’t worry all drink and food are complimentary.It included in your airfare.
Please check your excess baggage,because it’s too big for the overhead compartment.

Don’t worry all drinks and the food are complimentary.It included in your airfare.
Please check your excess baggage,because it’s too big for the overhead compartment.


Buying an airbus is expensive

public schools (schools run by the state)
Most public schools do not have swimming pools.

cheap 便宜
Buying a watch can be cheap or expensive.

rough : not smooth 粗暴
The landing was rough but no one got injured
Tom is quite rough.

to pull : bring something toward you
I pulled the window shade.

Manually : by hands / human control
Landing and take off are controlled manually.

automatically 自动
The doors open automatically

altitude 高度
The plane flies at an altitude of 5000km.

attitude 态度
The attitude of the cabin crew was great.

annual : yearly
Tomorrow will be our company’s annual party.

convenient 方便
7/11 is a convenient store

health check: checking if you are in good health

WeChat moments
My friends posted on their moments about the delays.

traffic jam : when you are suck on the road.
I was late because of a traffic jam.

is prone to : it is likely to happen / chance to happen is high.
A German car is not prone to problems.
I am prone to headaches