F2F Class Notes (Tibo) (S)


What is your strategy to deal with this new boss?

Speaking exercise

Today in the morning I didn’t realize today is the first day of work of new year. I didn’t feel I just handle it as a normal day. But today during working I realized this year is gonna be very difficult. Because in my company we face very risky situation because in China our sales and business getting low so we have lot of challenges of this year. And so far there was lot of challenge. In Korea there is a very mean director, his role is director of global section. He also agrees with China is very risky situation so he decides to stay China during 3 months. He is very mean and very strict and he came to our team and casually asked me why sales is like this and I was kind of … didn’t prepare anything. and it happened twice. He is planning whenever he meet me in the office he is gonna ask me. So my resolution is I’m gonna deal wth this kind of challenge from company very wisely and I’m not gonna stress because of this ridiculous challenge. Even this sentence I was kind of under the stress today.
I have to give him a nice impression. especially this year because I want to transfer to another country, and he is key man to decide to that I go there or not. So because of that pressure I cannot be myself, because I keep thinking I need to give him a nice impression. If not whatever he says I can he more confident. The result is not all of my fault. I have to overcome that kind of stress and pressure.

This is the one of the way he is making the good outcome. More he push the better . The more he can push people the better he can get outcome. he believe in that kind of thinking.

The first result I want to work abroad more because I already worked in china 4 years so far and also my job in this company so if there is a change to keep my job also transfer to other country I want to get it. I think there is a little little chance my company is gonna make my position in Singapore. Because there is some need about my job in this area.

the most of differences / the most differences come from being foreigner. As a foreigner I can be more flexible . more open and be away from the stress, responsibilities which I had in Korea. I think it is not because of China as being a foreigner.
But lifestyle China and Korea… I cannot throw away trash all together I have to separate the trash for recycling. In Korea recycling is very strict but here you can pour all the trash in this random bag.

Today in the morning I didn’t realize today was the first day of work of the new year. I didn’t feel I just handled it as a normal day. But today during work I realized this year is gonna be very difficult. My company is facing a very risky situation because in China our sales and business are getting low / are hitting a low point / because we couldn’t hit our target last year and our expectations for this year are not positive. / and this year is not looking very good. So we have a lot of challenges this year. And so far there were a lot of challenges. In Korea there is a very mean director, his role/position is director of global section. He also agrees that China is in a very risky situation / he agrees with China being in a bad situation  so he decided to stay China during/for 3 months. He is very mean and very strict. Today he came to our team and casually asked me why sales are like this and I was kind of surprised / taken aback… I didn’t prepare anything. and it happened twice. I guess He is planning to ask me whenever he meets me in the office. So my resolution is I’m gonna deal with this kind of challenge from the company/ from work very wisely and I’m not gonna stress because of this ridiculous challenge/issue. Even this sentence I was kind of under  pressure / I was stressed today.
I have to give him a good impression / I have to make a good impression. Especially  because this year I want to transfer to another country, and he is the key man/ the decisive factor for approval. So because of that pressure I cannot be myself, because I keep thinking I need to give him a good impression. If there wasn’t any special pressure I could/would be more confident. I’m not responsible for the result. I have to overcome that kind of stress and pressure.

The first reason is I want to work abroad more.  I already worked in china for 4 years so far and I like my job in this company so if there is a change to keep it and also transfer to another country/ if there is a chance to keep it while transforming to another country I want to get it. I think there is a little little chance my company is gonna relocate/move my position in Singapore / there is a possibility that my company is going to open/create a position similar to mine in Singapore. In this case I would be well positioned to get it. Because there is some need for my job in this area.

This is one of his way to get improve the outcome. The more he can push people the better the outcome can be. / the more he pushes people. the better the results.  he believes in that kind of thinking.

most of the differences / the main difference come from being treated as a foreigner. As a foreigner I can be more flexible . more open and get away/escape from stress, responsibilities which I had in Korea. I think it is not because of China but because I am a foreigner.
But lifestyle wise / but in terms of lifestyle…between/comparing China and Korea… for example, I cannot throw away trash all together I have to separate trash for recycling. In Korea recycling is very strict but here you can put all the trash in this random bag.


to approve / to say yes to something
to reject / to say no to something
My boss approved my transfer to Singapore but rejected to give me a raise


the more …. the more / the more… the less / the less … the less
The more you work, the less you see your family.
The more I work, the more I travel abroad.