F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S/W]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

You are going to Iceland. What do you want to see, what do you want do do? where do you want to go?

Writing exercise

After the work, I ran down the street. When I first took part in the half marathon, I was a little nervous and I was unsure of myself. So I exercise hard. I enjoy running in half marathon to keep healthy. Now I keep twice a year race.

After work, I ran down the street. When I first took part in the half marathon, I was a little nervous and I was unsure of myself/I wasn’t confident. So I trained hard. I enjoy running in half marathons to keep/stay healthy. Now I run the half marathon twice a year.

Speaking exercise

I’m Polly. University is in administration. I have work here 3 years.
Born in Shanghai. I live in Baoshan. I work in changning district.
I go to work by subway. 1 hour. I like run in half marathon.
3 times a week.

I work as a volunteer in a blood center. Like children When I help people I feel good.
7 years.
I work in business administration.
I don’t speak English well. Study hard. I like travel so I need study English.
More places.
I really want go to Iceland. It is beautiful.

I’m Polly. I studied administration in University. I have been working here for 3 years.
I was born in Shanghai. I live in Baoshan district. I work in changning district.
I go to work by subway. It takes me 1 hour to go to work. I like to run half marathons.
I run 3 times a week.

I also work as a volunteer in a blood center. Because I like children When I help people I feel good / Helping people makes me happy.
I have been doing it for 7 years.
I work in business administration.
I don’t speak English well but I study hard. I like to travel so I need to study English (for that)
I want to go to more places.
I really want go to Iceland. It is beautiful. / the scenery is beautiful.


scenery 风景
The scenery in Iceland is beautiful.

americano 美式咖啡
I like to drink Americano in the morning.

Iceland 冰岛
It takes 13 hours  to go to Iceland by plane

hobby 爱好
My hobby is to run.

I live in Baoshan district

once: one time
I go to the supermarket once a week.

twice: two times
I go to Beijing twice a month.

agree 同意🙆
Tom said we work too hard. I agree with him. I think we really work too hard.
My mother thinks we should buy a house in Beijing but I don’t agree, I think Shanghai is better.

How often do you run?
I run 3 times a week.
How often do you go to the blood center?
I go to the blood center once a week. / every Sunday.

week end 周末
I like to watch movies in the week end.

I go to work 5 times a week.

Iceland is very far from China.

I work as a volunteer in a blood center (免费工作)


frequency : how often….
I run 3 times a week (一周三次)
I go to Beijing twice a month.
I drink coffee 2 times a day.

do something hard
I work hard
I study hard

something is hard / difficult 
Running a full marathon is hard.
Speaking Chinese/English is hard


blood (blowwww D)

administration  (ad mi nis tra tion)


11 eleven

12 twelve

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14 fourteen

15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

21 twenty one

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100 one hundred