F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

There were many presents here and happy birthday, I don’t know why. I think she don’t know my birthday and it was her birthday.
Half people don’t know she very prepare this party plan very nice.
First everyone has a picture and put your back, and you can talk near words let you guess.
3 games.
Foreign birthday parties are different from china.
We stay here and drink hot red wine and talk talk talk.
4 hours then eat like a buffet. enjoy.

2 ladies is from France and stay in Shanghai 25, married to China men. their husband is Chinese.

A germany man he said don’t like Chinese woman.
Maybe foreign woman are hard and Chinese ladies are soft.
One has 2 children he is 23 old, he told me. Meet wife in SH so stay in SH. He is Taiwan people he has passport is Canada

My England this friend’s

There were many presents there and people said and wrote happy birthday, I don’t know why. I thought she didn’t know my birthday and it was her birthday. / she didn’t know that we had the same birthday / we were born on the same day.
Half of the people didn’t  know she prepared this party plan very well.
First everyone had a picture on their back and you could play a game and tell words to make each other guess.
We played 3 games.
Foreign birthday parties are different from China.
We stayed here and drank some hot red wine/gluehwein  and talked talked talked.
We stayed 4 hours then ate a buffet. we enjoyed it / it was great

There were 2 ladies from France/2 French ladies they have stayed in Shanghai for 25 years  and are married to Chinese men. Their husband is Chinese.

A German man said he doesn’t  like Chinese woman.
Maybe foreign woman are tough and Chinese ladies are soft. / Chinese women are softer than foreign women
One couple has 2 children and the oldest one is 23 years old, he told me. He met his wife in SH so he stayed in SH. He is Taiwanese but he has Canadian passport .


couple (n) 夫妻 / 2 lovers
The couple has 2 children

Trade war (n) 贸易战
there is a trade war between the US and China

to prepare (v) 准备
She prepared a gift for him

reserved (character)(adj) 含蓄/矜持的 / you don’t show what you think
Chinese people are more reserved
people are less reserved when they drink

Canada (n) 加拿大
I want to travel to Canada

Canadian (n/adj) 加拿大人/的
I like Canadians (n)
I like Canadian (adj) jackets

Holland (n) 荷兰 country
I want to visit Holland

Dutch (n/adj) People of Holland
The Dutch are nice

decoration (n) 装饰品
The decoration was very nice
The build put on Christmas decorations

coat (n)大衣/外套
I wear a coat because it is cold

jacket (n)夹克衫
I wear a jacket when I go out

exaggerate (v) 夸大
Sometimes people exaggerate to sound nice

destiny (n) 命运/缘分
It was destiny that we met on that day

tough (adj) 无情的
You have to be tough in business


love can mean really like
I love Chinese food = I really like Chinese food
I love that jacket

something is good
My Chinese is good
I had a good sleep.

do something well
I speak Chinese well
Tom cooks very well
I didn’t sleep well last night


exaggerate (x za jerate )