VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

past perfect


Review the pdf about the past perfect


cinema (n) 电影院
Last year I always went to the cinema

behind (n):在我后面
A kid was sitting behind me

nervous (adj) 紧张
It was my first time in Beijing so I was nervous

break down (v) not usable / have a problem
The car broke down and I had to go by subway
My computer broke down during the class


break (v): break / broke / broken

leave(v): leave / left /left
I left my job last week

Past simple : when talking in the past
I went to Beijing yesterday
I moved to Shanghai in 2015

past perfect (had + pp) : when talking about something in the past that happened even before the first time you use the past
Paul had left at 10:30(b)

always use the past simple the first time you talk in the past

Sarah arrived at 11pm (a)
Paul had left at 10:30(b)

I moved to Shanghai in 2015 (A)
I had moved to Nanjing in 2012 (C)
I then moved to Suzhou in 2017 (B)

Karen didn’t come to the cinema with us. She’d already seen the movie.

