F2F Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

first for generation X, the people who age at 40 to 55, they always like saving money and invest money to the house because they think it is a safe investment in China but for Generation Y, their age at 35 to 40. They are slightly different from the generation X.
They started to invest some money into stock market and jeu are wolves because the situation they grow up is totally different. they are grow up during china open up and accept new knowledge from foreign countries so they are totally different from millennials because millennials have everything their parents get them and they can easily to get knowledge or anything online but Generation Y they cannot but they start to get in touch with the things from other countries or other channels so they need to take some efforts to do it.

Generation X is very conservative.
I think Generation Y is more conservative than millennials because they also affected the generation X because their parent’s generation and they also went through a period that China has open the door to accept new things so I think this generation is struggling generation.

I think the house price is very high, this is the same situation. I think it is fair because generation X , their life is not happier or convenient that ours so they can easily bought some houses or something I think it is fair because they didn’t have lucky lives or more convenient lives. For China I think it is different the country system.
the generation X the house is assigned. If you work the government or a national company you get a chance to get a house.

first for generation X, the people who are 40 to 55, they always like saving money and invest money in houses/ in the property market /real estate because they think it is a safe investment in China.
But for Generation Y, their age go from 35 to 40. They are slightly different from the generation X.
They started to invest some money into the stock market and people often describe them as wolves because the situation they grew up in was totally different. / people often describe them as wolves because they had a very difficult childhood and had to fight to get what they wanted.
 They also grew up during the time  China was opening up and accepted new knowledge from foreign countries  / and were exposed to foreign ideas and culture.
So they are totally different from millennials because millennials have everything their parents gave them / millennials had a very easy childhood and received everything from their parents. and they can easily access knowledge or anything online but Generation Y cannot but they start to get in touch with the things from other countries or other channels but it takes some efforts from them.

/ another difference is that millennials are a digital generation, they are familiar with computers and technology while Generation Y have to learn how to use those tools.

Generation X is very conservative.
I think Generation Y is more conservative than millennials because they were also affected by generation X because it is their parent’s generation and they also went through a period when China was opening to accept new things so I think this generation is a struggling generation.

I think the house price is very high, this is the same situation. I think it is fair because generation X didn’t have a happier or more convenient life than ours.  They could easily buy some houses or something I think it is fair because they didn’t have luckier lives or more convenient lives. For China I think it is a different country system. / political system,.

For generation X the house was assigned. If you worked for the government or a national company you would get a chance to get a house.


capital (n) : main city
Beijing is the capital of China

capitalism (n) 资本主义

capitalist (adj)
In a capitalist country people work hard to make money

communist (adj)
Russia is a communist country

communism (n) 共产主义

republic (n) 共和国
they fought for the republic

wolf (n) : someone very strong or very sly  / someone you need to be careful about /
Salespeople are usually wolves.

conservative (adj) ä¿å®ˆ
People from generation X are quite conservatigve

progressive (adj) : not conservative
he has many progressive ideas