F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Next Class Focus

Try to avoid repetitions in your sentences (the scientists -> he / the research -> it,….)


Write about what you think the world will be like in 50 years. (try not to use sentences that are too long)

Speaking exercise

Topic: Technology

Yesterday a biological scientist in Shenzhen announced a big news. The world’s first gene edited twin babies were born in China. So they are immune to HIV disease and the scientists want to observe the babies growing up and research if the people’s genes was edit before they’re born, how can this technology change human’s future. Maybe in the future many people can use this technology to change the future like in Cancer and HIV. But after the professors announced this research it start a heated discussion all over China because 122 scientists publically criticised this professor’s behaviour, moral problems and ethnic roots. They think because this technology is not complete that twins babies will confrence many unknown disease because their genes were edit. They think that the professor is not responsible. The scientists association said if the technology is used by some bad people, they can use this technology to improve their baby’s genes. It aroused big attention all over china from press, lawyers and scientists all over china who all have different opinions and controversial opinions about this topic.


Yesterday a biological scientist in Shenzhen announced a big news. The world’s first gene edited twin babies were born in China. (So) they are immune to HIV (disease) and the scientists want to observe the babies growing up and research if the people’s genes were edited/modified before they’re born, how can this technology change human’s future. Maybe in the future many people can use this technology to change/to fight/to prevent diseases such as Cancer and HIV. But after the professor announced his research it started a heated discussion all over China because 122 scientists publically criticised his behaviour and focused on moral problems and ethnic laws. They think because this technology is not complete/mature/ready, those twins babies may/might have/contract many unknown diseases because their genes were edited. They think that the professor acted irresponsibly/acted recklessly. The scientists association said if the technology is used by some bad people, they could use it to improve their baby’s genes. It got big attention/it was a hot topic all over China from the press, lawyers and scientists who all have controversial opinions about this topic.


ethic / a set of moral principals
ethical/ something morally good
unethical / something morally bad
Stealing is wrong, it is unethical.
Companies try to be more ethical so that people like them.

ethnic / related a certain population
People of different skin colors are often ethnically discriminated against.

to arouse / to awaken an emotion
He arouse the policeman’s suspicion when he hid behind the desk.

mature/ ready/old enough
This technology is not mature yet, it still has many issues.
Tom is only 5yo but he is very mature and takes care of his sister very seriously.

premature / occurring before the proper time
Tom was born prematurely (he was born after 7 months)

to confront / to face
He confronted his dad and told him we didn’t want to be a lawyer….



ethic / ethnic


that (singular) – those (plural)
This (singular) – These (plural)

They think that the professor is not responsible. (It’s not his fault)
They think the the professor acted recklessly./ they think the professor acted without considering the consequences
They think the professor acted irresponsibly.