F2F Class Notes (Sonia)[s]


perm: a chemical process that makes your hair curly, or a hairstyle that is created in this way 烫å‘

today i got a perm, but the curls are too tight.

drawing(v): the act of making a picture with a pencil or pen, or a picture made in this way

e.g I prefer drawing to painting because you have more control

Composition(n): the way that things are arranged in a painting or photograph/music/ writing


e.g I think that if the composition of a painting is good then everything else is not so important.
e.g I think the composition  is the first importance in a photograph.
introduce(v): to put something into use, operation, or a place for the first time

e.g I was introduced to clothes-making in university

e.g can you introduce yourself?

e.g I want to introduce you to my friend?

Speaking exercise

do you choose what you want to make, or do they tell you what to make?

the teacher tell showed us some pictures and how to make IT and gave me some homework, to we make the same of  as this.

  • always put A , the, my, hers, their etc  before a noun
  • don’t forget it, as, so, that: these words make it clear WHAT you are talking about


“we can make it by photoshop and we can also make it to drawing.”

… make it by drawing it

“I introduce musical play in Shanghai”

correction: I was introduced to musical plays in Shanghai

“I preserve my thinking to you”

correction: I preserve my thinking FOR you

do you express yourself better through other things? e.g dancing/writing/ painting/ music/acting/singing

“I think painting is better to express myself”

i think painting is better for expressing myself

are you well?: means are you ok/ is your health ok?

are you good? (good at what?, am i good  person?)


Oil:/ɔɪl OY EL

All: É”Ël AWW LL