F2F Class Notes (Shane) – [S]


Took – not carried.  You can’t carry your mum AND your grandma to Shaoxing.

Challenge – When your boss gives you some difficult work that makes you improve.  Your boss doesn’t challenge you.

Screen (Screened) – Shown on screen, usually a movie.

Sophisticated – Somebody that is well educated and is “cultural”

A Conoisseur  – Somebody that is an expert on something.  Usually food or wine, or cultural things.


They don’t “see the big picture.”  – People that focus too much on details.  “He didn’t see the forest for the trees.”

Were already – Instead of had been


Decorated – (De ko ray ted)

Speaking exercise


These two weeks are the festival of Shanghai International Cinema Festival, so I bought 10 tickets in advance.  But when I bought these tickets the most few tickets I wanted to buy had been sold out.  I remembered a few years ago, there are not very much people attend the festival.  Nowadays there are more and more people take part in some so-called cultural activities, that’s very strange in China.  Because these people are not really interested or know much about culture, but they pretend to be very interested.  The same phenomenon is more and more people like to eat or drink at culturally decorated and every year the books exhibition of Shanghai, there are a lot of people visit this exhibition and buy a lot of books.  What confused me is how many books will they read in a year.  So I think, that’s a very important question in China.


These two weeks are the festival of Shanghai International Film Festival, so I bought 10 tickets in advance. The Shanghai International Film Festival is happening over these two weeks.  I decided to buy 10 tickets in advance, because there are a lot of films which are not screened in regular theaters.

But when I bought these tickets the most few tickets I wanted to buy had been sold out.  Even though I bought the tickets early, the movies I most wanted to see were already sold out.

I remembered a few years ago, there are were not very much people attend the festival.  I remember when I went a few years ago, not many people attended the festival.

Nowadays there are more and more people that take part in some so-called cultural activities, it’s new for Chinese people to be “cultural.”that’s very strange in China.

Because these people are not really interested or know much about culture, but they pretend to be very interested.

The same phenomenon is more and more people like to eat or drink at culturally decorated restaurants.  Restaurants that have art or books around. 

And every year at the book exhibition of Shanghai, there are a lot of people that visit this exhibition and buy a lot of books.  What confused me is how many books will they read in a year.   And every year at the book exhibition of Shanghai, I notice a lot of people buy so many books, but I wonder just how many will they read.  As people don’t usually read that many books in a year.

So I think, that’s a very important question in China.