F2F Class Notes (Samara)[W][S]

Today we focused on:

reading, writing homework, and ways to protest something that is wrong.


Negotiations: 谈判
ex: We have to make negotiations.
Panic: worry, something bad will happen.
ex: He was panicked because he can’t found his book.
Rights: 所有权
ex: You don’t have any rights of this toy.
Major: Big, important
ex: Playing games is not major.
Blockbusters: 大片
ex: Marvel movies are block busters.
Agree: 同意
ex: I don’t agree so you can’t bring my toys to your home.

Writing exercise

But … we were just getting used to Spidey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

On Tuesday, negotiations broke down between Disney and Sony Pictures for future Spider-Man films, sending fans into a panic.

What’s going on? Sony has controlled the rights to the web-slinger since 1999, but the two studios have been happily (or so we thought) sharing Spider-Man across a plethora of films since 2015, including a major emotional role in the latest “Avengers” movies. As part of the previous agreement, Marvel had also been acting as a producer on the 2017 and 2019 standalone Sony “Spider-Man” movies starring Tom Holland, which were both box-office blockbusters.

Speaking exercise

You can’t take the superhero without me. Because, I made this superhero. I need to be there, because I created this superhero first.


That’s wrong
You can’t do that. 
You shouldn’t do that.
Stop doing that. 
This is not right. 

Writing exercise

My faverouite Marvel hero is Spider-Man. Because he’s suit is very cool. First, I like his suit, second. He can use the spider silk to fly to each buildings. Third, he saved the world with his spider power so many time. I like another Marvel hero which is called Captain America. At first he was a little boy, but after an experience, he became strong and then, he became Captain America. My friend Chris and I both like Marvel’s movie.

My favourite Marvel hero is Spider-Man, because his suit is very cool. First / Firstly, I like his suit. Secondly he can use the spider silk to fly to each buildings. Thirdly, he saved the world with his spider power so many times. I like another Marvel hero which is called Captain America. At first he was a little boy, but after an experience, he became strong and then, he became Captain America. My friend Chris and I both like Marvel‘s movies.