F2F Class Notes (Samara)[S][W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Next Class Focus

She seemed to enjoy the pronunciation activity where I say a word and she writes what she hears. Practice again if you have time!

Needs more review

One of my daily work is sit in an open plan and put earphones in my ear to listen to music, and use excel to generate a form. This form includes basic data. After then,I can use the data to generate a graph. According to the graph, I can track the data how will it goes on

One of my daily responsibilities is to generate excel forms. Usually, I sit in an open plan style office and put earphones in my ears to listen to music, and use excel to generate a form. This form includes basic data. After that, I can use the data to generate a graph. According to the graph, I can track the data and analyze a trend from it.


Trend: a general story of data you read.
ex: I use the data and generated a trend.
Responsibility/ Responsibilities: task
ex: my daily responsibility  is use the data to generate a graph.
Pest control: catch the pests
ex: My department is pest control.
Inspect: check, to look for
Ex: Service people go to the restaurant inspect the equipment.
Quality Control:
Frequent / frequency: often
ex: I come here to study English frequently.
Assignment: task
ex: Today my leader gave me an assignment.


Work on:  to do
work out: To answer, to find an answer
What are you working on? : what are you doing?
Small talk: How’s the weather?

Speaking exercise

I like blues music because it has a good beat. Actually I like the sounds great music, it have many kind of music style. No matter what ind of it just sounds great, blues music is one of my favorite. So I like many kinds of style. I like country music, I like to watch. Some lyrics are same to my happen, so I like it. So I always to read the lyrics and so if the lyrics is same to me, I’d like to listen it.

I like blues music because it has a good beat. Actually I like any music that sounds great, it have many kind of music style. No matter what kind if it just sounds great I am happy, blues music is one of my favorites. So I like many kinds of styles. I like country music, I like to read the lyrics. If I can relate to it, I like it.

Speaking exercise

We did a listening activity, samara spoke and Annie wrote what she heard for 3 minutes time.

How are ya? (✅) = how are you?
How’ve ya been? (❌) = have you been? How have you been?
I wanna go to the bank (❌) =I will go to the bank. I want to go to the bank.