F2F Class Notes (Samara) [S]


Practice using the word “things” when you are speaking English.
“I went to the store and saw many beautiful things.”
” I need to go to the store and buy some things.”
“This combo has many things”

Speaking exercise

I like rice dumpling the outside is the rice and you can try the different flavor have meat. You can make meat, and red bean and just of rice you can mix the sugar and eat it. But you can try anything inside. So my mother try it inside. You can try, yolk, egg yolk in it. You can try ice cream. You can try it, Chinese say it’s black taste food, not formal food, you can creative any taste, creative any flavor you can try it. Do you like cooking? I don’t like formal cooking, formal taste, I will create other flavor. you can try it. Because I will booking a cooking lesson, maybe a baker lesson. you can make a bread to bake it and I will make some different. you can make the other. Formal bread you can fix the butter and sugar and other things I will mix the other ciao liang and after the baker out. The bread it have not a different taste. SO you can try it. It’s not formal things. you can creative. and taste. One time I try bread inside  lao gan ma  it’s spicy, so you can fix it, very different. Do you know lao gan ma, it’s very special, it can make anything. It is very delicious. You can eat it with bread, rice and mix some vegetable. Can creative many different taste. in china the chicken room, maybe just half, so you can inside make Chinese food and washing machine. I like vegetables and meat but I don’t like rice. I like meat and beef is very deliciou, and like pig. You can baker the meat and fix the vegetable and cheese.

I like rice dumplings the outside is the rice. and you can try the different flavor have meat. you can make meat, and red bean and just of rice you can mix the sugar and eat it. But you can try anything inside. So my mother try it inside. you can try, yolk, egg yolk in it. You can try ice cream. You can try it, Chinese say it’s black taste food. Not formal food, you can creative any taste, creative any flavor you can try it. Do you like cooking? I don’t like formal cooking, formal taste I will create other flavor. you can try it. Because I will booking a cooking lesson, maybe a baker lesson. you can make a bread to bake it and I will make some different. you can make the other. Formal bread you can fix the butter and sugar and other things I will mix the other ingredients and after you bake it. The bread it have not a different taste. So you can try it. It’s not formal things. You can be creative, and taste. One time I tried chili sauce in the bread it’s spicy, so you can fix it, very different. Do you know lao ga ma, it’s very special, it goes with everything. It is very delicious. you can eat it with bread, rice and mix some vegetables. It can create many different tastes flavors. In china the kitchen, maybe just half the size, so you can inside make Chinese food and have a washing machine. I like vegetables and meat but I don’t like rice. I like meat and beef is very delicious, and like pig. You can cook the meat and fix the vegetable and cheese.


Only: Alone, one thing
” you can make meat, and red bean and only rice.”

Different: not formal
“I am making something different today”

Create: to make
“You can create many tastes”

Ingredients: salt, sugar, pepper, things you use to make a meal.
“I will mix all of the ingredients to make a meal.”

lao gan ma: Chili sauce 辣椒醬
“When you haven’t some meat with your lunch, you can try chili sauce”

Meal: Anything you eat, a combo.
“I had a good meal for breakfast”


it goes with everything: does well, it is good with

half the size: 50%