F2F Class Notes (Samara) [S]

Today we focused on:

Going to the park and grammar when talking about habits or generalized verbs.


Who would you be in the game of thrones and why?

Speaking exercise

I like hang out in the park with my friends, just relax and do nothing. Sit in the park or just hang out. These days my friends and I usually went to park and have lunch at the park. Picnic and read. Very relax. |

I like hanging out in the park with my friends, just relaxing and do nothing. I like to sit / I like sitting in the park or just hanging / hangin’ out. These days my friends and I usually go to the park and have lunch at the park. Picnic and read. Very chill.


Chill / chilled: relax / relaxed
ex: This afternoon, I feel very chill because I had an interesting class.
Comfort food: heavy food that makes you feel really happy when you eat it.
ex: Comfort food makes me happy but is not good for my health.
Capitol: Beijing is China’s Capitol.
ex: New York Washington D.C. is USA’s capitol.
Central Heating System: 集中供热系统
ex: There are a lot of central heating systems in Beijing.
Dust: 灰尘
ex: When Beijing is in spring the wind usually makes a lot of dust.
Captured: to be caught 
ex: Snows mother a was captured.
Messy: 凌乱


Where are you in the series? : What was the last thing you saw?