F2F Class Notes (Samara)


Please review these review words and practice the pronunciation section as well!

Next Class Focus

Laura missed a bit of class time today so please focus on more speaking about life events next class.

Needs more review

: thoughts, the way one things about something
It is easier to talk to people from the same country because we have a similar mindset.
ex: we are both Chinese so we have a similar mindset
bad example: we are both Chinese so we have a mindset. > we are both Chinese so we have a “thought.”
Prioritize: to put the most important things first.
Priorities 优先事项
ex:My current priority is to study English.
Comply: To follow the rules.
expect 预计
ex: Japanese companies expect people to work late.
to avoid: To go around, to get away from.
ex: I try to avoid my boss, I don’t want to talk to him.

