F2F Class Notes (Samara)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Please describe a dish, where is it from.

Needs more review

Coriander: A herb, a small seed that is used as a spice. It is earthy and a little bitter and can help many different flavors taste good.
ex: I cooked a dish with coriander.
Earthy: a flavor, not bitter but not sour, this flavor reminds many people of soil in the ground or bark on a tree, red wine often has an earthy flavor and also beet root.
ex: I cooked this dish, it tastes earthy.
Starchy: odorless, tasteless white substance that comes from plants, mostly potatoes or cereal. Things like wheat, rice, pasta are foods that are high in starch.
ex: Feels starchy.
ex: Corn tortillas are very starchy.
Likes: Likes only one things or many things.
ex: I like reading books.
Prefers: To like one thing more than the other.
ex: I prefer to eat sushi
ex: If it is between sushi and a hamburger, I prefer sushi.
Many: A large number of, a number you can count.
ex: I have many ideas.
ex: too many
much: a great amount, not possible to count, just a big a mount.
Ex: Don’t drink too much water.
ex: Too much
ex: Too much water
Yolk: The yellow part of the egg.
ex: Yellow yolk.
ex: I like eating the yolk.
Egg Whites: The white part of the egg, 1 egg has egg whites.
ex: I cooked soup with egg whites. / I cooked soup with some egg whites.
Dislike / disliked: To not like
ex: Do you dislike this vegetable, or this dish?
Food: something you eat
ex: something one eats.
Foods: cuisine, different types of dishes or categories of food.
ex: I like green foods, I like starchy foods, I like Souther Chinese foods.


Style: If you wear different kinds of clothes. The way we do things.
Skill: What we do. 


starchy: Star/ qi