F2F Class Notes (Samara)[S][W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

What is your favorite meat? How do you eat it, in noodles in rice? Where do you eat it, at home? at school?

Writing exercise

William ate dumplings for breakfast at home.
Policeman catch the bad people at noon on the road.
The cook cook the noodles in the morning at the restrunt.

Speaking exercise

I don’t want to be a policeman. I want to be a cook. I want to cook noodles, rice, pizza, and vegetables. I like to eat noodle soup and rice dumplings. I don’t like to be a policeman because it is dangerous. Bad people are dangerous.

I don’t want to be a policeman. I want to be a cook. I want to cook noodles, rice, pizza, and vegetables. I like to eat noodle soup and rice dumplings. I don’t want to be a policeman because it is dangerous. Bad people are dangerous.


Fish meat – 🐟 Fish
Chicken meat – Chicken 🐔
Pig meat – 🍖 Pork
Cow meat-🐄 Beef
Chicken Breast – Chest
” I don’t like chicken breast, it is dry.”

Chicken leg
“I like chicken leg, it is a little wet”
Chicken thigh
“I like chicken thigh.”

Needs more review

Who + What Did They Do + What/Who Did They Do It To + When Did They Do It+ Where Did They Do It
e.g. William ate dumplings at his home.
e.g. Nicholas teaches William at Smart English! 🤗
e.g. Chinese people eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival on a boat!
e.g. William plays basketball during PE class at the stadium.

Who – Subject (orange) 
What did they do – Verb (blue) 
What/who did they do it to – Object (green) 
When did they do – Time (red) 
Where did they do it – Location (pink)