F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]


Option (n): 1- one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice:
E.g.: The best option would be to cancel the trip.
E.g.: There are many options open to someone who is willing to work hard.

Implant (n): to put an organ, group of cells, or device into the body in a medical operation:
E.g.: The owner’s name and address is stored on a microchip (微芯片) and implanted in the dog’s body.

Writing exercise


About my braces
A half of one year ago, In the autumn, I would like to ate crabs. I didn’t know my right third teeth from middle one was hollow, It was breaking while I eating. The dentist told me I had to remove it When I went to the hospital, I was scared and worried it would be influence other teeth .
The dentist given me two plans, one of removed the teeth and set up false tooth, the other one was removed four tooth and installed braces, it would be beautiful after two years . I chose the last one because it would be pretty and safety, I thought set up false tooth would be painful. Actually I thinking maybe I should choose the first one now, because I have to go to visit the dentist every month and he helps me tight my tooth, Every time they are more and more painful and tighter. I asked my dentist ” When I can remove braces ” he answered me ” Maybe October of this year if u according to my way, if not that will be longer,maybe next year ” ” u are the boss, I can’t say no ” I answered . Actually it is really not easy to do, every time he helps me tight, I only eat soft foods or porridge,
But I know I have to follow his way because I really want to take it off quickly I can’t give up.


About my braces
Half a year ago, in the autumn, I wanted to eat crab. I didn’t know, but my third right tooth from the front was hollow, so it broke while I was eating. The dentist told me I had to remove it. When I went to the hospital, I was scared and worried that it would influence my other teeth .
The dentist gave me two options: I could either remove the tooth and get an implant, or I could remove four teeth and get braces, which would make my teeth beautiful after two years . I chose the second option, because it would be pretty and safe, and because I thought getting an implant would be painful. Actuallynow I think maybe I should have chosen the first one, because I have to go to visit the dentist every month to tighten my bracesand every time it is more and more painful. I recently asked my dentist “When can get my braces removed” and he answered “Maybe in October, if you do exactly what I say. Otherwise, it will take longer, maybe next year.” “You are the boss, I can’t say no,” I answered . Actually it is really not easy, because every time he tightens my braces, I can only eat porridge and other soft foods. But I know I have to do what he says, because I really want to get them removed quickly. I can’t give up.


Apostrophe: /əˈpɑː.strə.fi/

Tight: /taɪt/

While: /waɪl/

False: /fɑːls/


Influence: /ˈɪn.flu.əns/

Implant: /ɪmˈplænt/

Hollow: /ˈhɑː.loʊ/

Otherwise: /ˈʌð.ɚ.waɪz/

Exactly:  /ɪɡˈzækt.li/

Choice: /tʃɔɪs/

Choose: /tʃuːz/

Chose: /tʃoʊz/

Chosen: /ˈtʃoʊ.zən/