F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]


Breathtaking (adj): 1- extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising:
E.g.: The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.
E.g.: His performance is described in the paper as “a breathtaking display of physical strength”.

Agility (n): 1- the ability to move about quickly and easily:
E.g.: His amazing agility definitely helped him win the prize.
E.g.: A top-rated football player, he combines speed and agility.

Medley (n): 1- a mixture of different things, especially tunes put together to form a longer piece of music:
E.g.: She performed a medley of her most popular songs.
E.g.: The menu described the dessert as “a medley of exotic fruits”.

Writing exercise


Writing a to-do list may help you sleep faster
Researchers said that writing a to-do list can help people sleep faster. They did the research in two group of students. One of them need to write a to-do list 5 minutes before they sleep and they can’t use hi-techs. Researchers found that they can sleep faster than the other group. The participants who wrote more detail to-do list than others who wrote simple, general list were fall asleep faster. When people wrote down the list, they forgot it and became calmer. So they can sleep faster. The USA’s National Sleep Foundation said there are about 40 percent of American adults have problems with their sleep. I think people with sleep problems can try to write a to-do list before they sleep, if it is useful, it can improve people’s life quality.


Writing a to-do list may help you sleep faster
Researchers have found that writing a to-do list can help people sleep faster. They did the research in two groups of students. One of them had to write a to-do list 5 minutes before going to sleep, and they weren’t allowed to use electronic devices to do that. Researchers found that students in this group were able to sleep faster than those in the other group. The participants who wrote more detailed to-do lists fell asleep faster than those who wrote simple, general lists. When people write down their to-do lists, they are more able to forget about the things on it and become calmer, so they can sleep faster. The USA’s National Sleep Foundation said that about 40 percent of American adults have problems with their sleep. I think people with sleep problems should try to write a to-do list before they go to sleep. If this works, it can improve people’s quality of life.


Bridesmaid: /ˈbraɪdz.meɪd/

Tech: /tek/

Portrait: /ˈpɔːr.trɪt/

Aperture: /ˈæp.ɚ.tʃɚ/

Live (v): /lɪv/

Live (adj): /laɪv/

Athlete: /ˈæθ.liːt/

Spectacular: /spekˈtæk.jə.lɚ/

Agility: /əˈdʒɪl·ɪ·t̬i/

Medley: /ˈmed.li/