F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]


Nowadays (adv): 1- at the present time, in comparison to the past.
E.g.: Who remembers those movies nowadays?
E.g.: Nowadays, I bake my own bread rather than buy it.

Implement (v): 1- to start using a plan or system.
E.g.: The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year.

Writing exercise


Art is really useful and appealing subject. Some art company or media have periodical update everyday. You can subscribe it online or journal offline.
When you flip it, you will have a feeling that like talking with numerous artists, and get plentiful and various knowledge.
I think most of artist are delightful, maybe that is why they can made such magnificent arts.
Best representative time of art was in renaissance. There have a lot of artists who include Michelangelo, Vinci, Raphael and so on


Art is a really useful and appealing subject. Some art companies or social media websites / websites have periodicals you can subscribe to on and offline. When you flip through their pages, you will have a feeling that you are talking with numerous artists, and get plentiful and various information.

I think most artists are delightful people, and maybe that is why they can make such magnificent art pieces / art / artworks. The most important time in art history was the Renaissance. Artists from that period include Michelangelo, DaVinci, Raphael, and so on.


Recently, I watched a video online that is describe a intelligent robot who named Sofia. That’s Fantastic!
Sofia looks like a Lady, her expression is natural and various when she talk about with one of her creator.
she has some deep thinking, meanwhile she can understand vast knowledge easily and fast or anything what she wants to know.
I think human glad to see the robot industry or Artificial intelligence industry have huge improvement, because they will help human to explore Unknown areas in science, medicine and so on. I believe what they can do anything for people in the future.
As everyone knows, robot is control by computer or human. If we can’t Manager them well or control their mind by themselves. Maybe they will destroy human society by some bad guys or themselves.That’s really dangerous and horrible.


Recently, I watched a video online about an intelligent robot named Sofia / who is named Sofia.  Sofia is fantastic!
Sofia looks like a lady and her expressions are natural and various when she talks to one of her creators.
she has some deep thinking***what does this mean?, meanwhile she can understand vast knowledge quickly and easily or anything that she wants to know.
I think humans /the human race / humankind are glad to see the robot industry or artificial intelligence industry improve greatly / have huge improvements, because they will help humans to explore unknown areas in science, medicine and so on. I believe that they can do anything for people in the future.
As everyone knows, robots are controlled by computers or people/humans. If we can’t manage them well or lose the ability to control them, they might destroy human society, either with the help or control of some bad guys or by themselves. That’s really dangerous and horrible.


Lost: /lÉ‘Ëst/

Loss: /lÉ‘Ës/

Lose: /luËz/

Page: /peɪdʒ/

Wind: /wɪnd/

Written: /ˈrɪt̬.ən/

Periodical: /ËŒpɪr.iˈɑË.dɪ.kÉ™l/

Celebrity: /səˈleb.rə.t̬i/

Economy: /iˈkÉ‘Ë.nÉ™.mi/

Economic: /iË.kəˈnÉ‘Ë.mɪk/

Gossip: /ˈɡɑË.sÉ™p/

Nowadays: /ˈnaʊ.ə.deɪz/

Representative: /ˌrep.rɪˈzen.t̬ə.t̬ɪv/

Tragic: /ˈtrædʒ.ɪk/

Bomb: /bÉ‘Ëm/

Earthquake: /ˈÉËθ.kweɪk/

Renaissance: /ˈren.É™.sÉ‘Ëns/