F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]


Sauce (n): 1- a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavor.
E.g.: I heard Swift can make a really good Carbonara sauce.

Grasp (v): 1- to understand something, especially something difficult:
E.g.: I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.
E.g.: The government has acknowledged that homelessness is a problem but it has failed to grasp the scale of the problem.


Before that I’m satisfied with my current situation. – Before that I was satisfied with my current situation. 

Writing exercise


I have grown interests in cooking recently. As a beginner, I try to learn simple Chinese, Japanese and western cuisines through internet. Last week, I succeeded Carbonara which was not that hard as I expected. It is actually a very adaptable dish. Unlike most people would use bacon and onion, I put spare chicken breasts, corns and mushroom as replacements, and their flavor are quite matching. As for the creamy source, it’s simpler, I mixed the whipped cream, starch and a little water together, then it’s done. In the end, all I needed to do was to put the medium well spaghetti, the fried ingredients, prepared source and seasoning together and let them boil.
Cooking to me is like exploring a new world, like doing an little interesting experiment, and every time I grasp a recipe, I feel a little proud.


I have grown interested in cooking recently. As a beginner, I try to learn simple recipes from Chinese, Japanese and western cuisines through the internet. Last week, I succeeded in making Carbonara, which was not as hard as I expected, seeing it is actually a very adaptable dish. Most people use bacon and onion for that recipe, but I used spare chicken breasts, corn and mushroom as replacements, and their flavors go quite well together. As for the creamy sauce, it’s simpler: I mixed the whipped cream, starch and a little water together, and that was it. In the end, all I needed to do was to put the medium well spaghetti, the fried ingredients, the previously prepared sauce  and the seasoning together and let them boil.
Cooking to me is like exploring a new world, like doing a little interesting experiment, and every time I master a recipe, I feel a little proud.


Source: /sÉ”Ërs/

Sauce: /sÉ‘Ës/