F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]


Confident (adj): 1- trusting yourself or being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future.
E.g.: Be a bit more confident in yourself!
E.g.: They don’t sound confident about the future of the industry.

Conclusion (n): 1- the final part of something. 2- the opinion you have after considering all the information about something.
E.g.: Be careful not to introduce new ideas in the conclusion of your essay.
E.g.: Did you come to/reach/draw any conclusions at the meeting this morning?
E.g.: At first I thought he was a bit shy, but I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s simply unfriendly!

Committed (adj): 1- loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in. 2- having promised to be involved in a plan of action:
E.g.: We are firmly committed to reducing unemployment (失业).
E.g.: The whole family are committed vegetarians (素食者).
E.g.: We are committed to the ideal of equality.
E.g.: The prime minister has said that the government is committed to the preservation of the country’s national interests.

Q: How is your week?
A: It is _____.
E.g.: good, great, busy, not so good, not so bad, etc.

Writing exercise

> There was a time when most people expected to get out of school, find a job, and stick with it pretty much for the rest of their lives. Today the opposite is true. People tend to change jobs fairly often, for various reasons. When you graduate from college, will you be committed to a lifetime career or job-hop often?


In my opinoin, I think I am will committed to job–hop often.
There are many reasons for my viewpoint. First,we know the socity has a lot of chances and challenges.If we always do the same works,maybe we will miss our dreams,lose self-confidence and never see our really power.Then,the socity is usually going ahead and has a lot of changes follow the time.If we want to follow the socity step,we must study many new skills to keep we adapt to the new socity.I think the job-hop is a good idea.Next, the life is wondful.If we are committed to a lifetime career,our lifes are boring.just like the busy honeybee.Finally,I think whatever we choice to a lifetime career or job–hop often,we should work hard,love our jobs , try to make our jobs interesting and achieve our dreams.


In my opinion, I think I will job-hop often.
There are many reasons for my viewpoint. First, we know that society has a lot of opportunities and challenges, so if we always do the same job, maybe we will miss out on our dreams, lose self-confidence and never see our real power. Then, society is usually moving forward and goes through a lot of changes with time. If we want to keep up, we must study many new skills and keep adapting to the new ways of society, so I think job-hopping often is a good idea. Next, life is wonderful, and I think that if we are c to a lifetime career, our lives would be boring, just like a busy honeybee. Finally, I think whatever we choose, a lifetime career or job-hop often, we should work hard, love our jobs, try to make them interesting, and achieve our dreams.


Express: /ɪkˈspres/

Lifetime: /ˈlaɪf.taɪm/

Lifestyle: /ˈlaɪf.staɪl/

Career: /kəˈrɪr/

Next: /nekst/

Problem: /ˈprɑː.bləm/


Opportunity: /ˌɑː.pɚˈtuː.nə.t̬i/

Usually: /ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li/

Often: /ˈɑːf.ən/

Achieve: /əˈtʃiːv/

Committed: /kəˈmɪt̬.ɪd/

Commute: /kəˈmjuːt/

Community: /kəˈmjuː.nə.t̬i/