F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]


Advice (n): 1- an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation:
E.g.: Steven gave me some good advice.
E.g.: I think I’ll take your advice (= do what you suggest) and get the green dress.

Advise (v): 1-  to give someone advice:
E.g.: I think I’d advise him to leave the company.
E.g.: His doctor advised him to stop smoking.

Against (prep): 1-  disagreeing with a plan or activity.
E.g.: She spoke against the decision to close the college.
E.g.: 50 people voted against his idea.

Propose (v): 1- to suggest (something, such as a plan or theory) to a person or group of people to consider. 2- to ask someone to marry you. 3- 提出
E.g.: The scientists proposed a new theory.
E.g.: The mayor proposed a plan for a new bridge.
E.g.: I remember the night your father proposed to me.

Proposal (n): 1-  something (such as a plan or suggestion) that is presented to a person or group of people to consider. 2- 提案
E.g.: Everyone thought the proposal made sense.
E.g.: They approved my proposal.
E.g.: The committee is reviewing the proposal for the new restaurant.

Milliliter (ml): 毫升

Centiliter (cl): 厘升= 10ml

Liter (l): 升 = 1000ml

Millimeter (mm): 毫米

Centimeters (cm): 厘米 = 10mm

Meter (m): 米 = 100 cm.

Kilometer (km): 公里 = 1000 m

Mile (m): 英里 = 1609 m

Inch (in): 英寸 = 2.5cm

Propose: /prəˈpoʊz/

Proposal: /prəˈpoʊ.zəl/

Writing exercise


I was reading a story about police officers overtook the car, jimmy and his wife was driving from supermarket to their home,his wife always told him ” Driving too quickly , you have to driving slowly,Jimmy.”Jimmy wasn’t take his wife advised,and then policeman had waving to them, let them to stopped their car said ” where are you do you think,on a race stock? You must have been driving seventy miles an hour ” ” sorry officer,I haven’t been “Jimmy answered.” Yes, that’s true because I overtook you doing eighty miles an hour ”

” really sorry, I must have been dreaming ”
Jimmy said,” can you show me your driving license , I won’t punish you this time,but you had better don’t do it again ”
“Thanks officer, I will certainly be more careful ” Jimmy ‘s wife said “why you don’t listen what I said, you had better take my advise next time “” yeah, maybe I will “.


I was reading a story about police officers who stopped a man while driving a car. 

Jimmy, the driver, and his wife were driving home from the supermarket. She always tells him, “You are driving too quickly, you have to drive slowly, Jimmy.”

Jimmy didn’t take his wife’s advice, and then policemen had waved to them to make them stop their car.

“Where do you think you are? On a race track? You must have been driving seventy miles an hour,” said one of the police officers.

“Sorry officer, I didn’t know,“Jimmy answered.

“Yes, that’s true because I stopped you for doing seventy miles an hour.”

“I am really sorry, I must have been dreaming,” Jimmy said.

“Can you show me your driving license, I won’t punish you this time, but you had better not do it again.”

Thanks officer, I will certainly be more careful. ”

After that, Jimmy ‘s wife said: “Why you don’t listen what I say, you had better take my advice next time “” yeah, maybe I will “.


Police: /pəˈliːs/

Wave: /weɪv/

Track: /træk/

Truck: /trʌk/

Punish:  /ˈpʌn.ɪʃ/

Milliliter: /ˈmɪl·əˌli·t̬·ər/

Centiliter: /ˈsen.təˌliːt̬ɚ/

Liter: /ˈliː.t̬ɚ/

Millimeter (mm):/ˈmɪl·əˌmi·t̬ər/

Centimeters: /ˈsent·əˌmi·t̬ər/

Meter (m): /ˈmiː.t̬ɚ/

Kilometer (km): /kəˈlɑm·ət̬·ər/

Mile (m): /maɪl/
