F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]


Write one of two example PASSIVE sentences using the words you’ve learned in the last two classes.


Goal (n): 1- an aim or purpose.
E.g.: Our goal is for the country to be fully independent within two years.

Realize (v): 1- to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly.
E.g.: They didn’t realize the danger they were in.
E.g.:“Do you realize (that) this is the third time you’ve forgotten?” she said angrily.
E.g.: I realize how difficult it’s going to be, but we must try.
E.g.: As he watched the TV show, he suddenly realized (that) he’d seen it before.
E.g.: “You’re standing on my foot.” “Sorry, I didn’t realize.”


Can you speak  France?  – Can you speak  French? 

Passive Voice (www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/passive.htm)

1. Passive – Use

We only use the passive when we are interested in the object or when we do not know who caused the action.

Example: Appointments are required in such cases.

2. Passive – Form

to be + past participle

How to form a passive sentence when an active sentence is given:

  • object of the active sentence becomes subject in the passive sentence
  • subject of the active sentence becomes object in the passive sentence (or is left out)

We can only form a passive sentence from an active sentence when there is an object in the active sentence.

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object
Active sentence: Peter builds a house.
Passive sentence: A house is built by Peter.

3. Examples

3.1. Simple Present

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object
Active sentence: Peter builds a house.
Passive sentence: A house is built by Peter.

3.2. Simple Past

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object
Active sentence: Peter built a house.
Passive sentence: A house was built by Peter.

3.3. Present Perfect

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object
Active sentence: Peter has built a house.
Passive sentence: A house has been built by Peter.

3.4. will-future

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object
Active sentence: Peter will build a house.
Passive sentence: A house will be built by Peter.

3.5. Modals

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object
Active sentence: Peter can build a house.
Passive sentence: A house can be built by Peter.

Writing exercise


Language is really great and interesting ability. When you try to learn some foreign languages you will find totally different logic, including idioms and phrase.
When you speak very fluent that you can have some new foreign friends and realize their countries culture and history, even you also can read some famous foreign books and movies.
If you travel to other countries for a vacation that you can chat with local people and taste local food, even you can develop your own business. That’s amazing.


Speaking foreign languages is a really great and interesting ability. When you learn foreign languages, you find a totally different logic in the way idioms and phrases are constructed.
When you speak very fluently, you can have new foreign friends and understand their countries’ culture and history, or even read famous foreign books and movies.
If you travel to other countries for a vacation, you can chat with local people, taste local food, or even develop your own business. That’s amazing!


Apple: /ˈæp.əl/

Culture: /ˈkʌl.tʃɚ/