F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Conversation (n): 1- a talk between two or more people.
E.g.: I just had a very nice conversation with my mother.
E.g.: My favorite thing to do is to have long and deep conversations with my friends.

Trouble (n): 1- problems or difficulties:
E.g.: I had a lot of trouble doing my homework today.
E.g.: The trouble started when my father came to live with us.
E.g.: Parents often have trouble finding good schools for their children.

Troublesome (adj): 1- causing a lot of problems for someone.
E.g.: His back has been very troublesome since the car accident.
E.g.: The conversation with my boss was a lot less troublesome than I thought it would be (=I was afraid the conversation would be difficult, but it wasn’t so difficult).

Often (adv): 1– many times.
E.g.: I often see him in the garden.
E.g.: I don’t often drink beer.
E.g.A: How often do you wash your hair?
E.g.B: I wash my hair everyday / twice a week / three times a week / every other day (= one day yes, one day no)

Gain (v): 1- to increase in weight, speed, height, or amount; to get more of something.
E.g.: I gained a lot of experience at my last job.
E.g.: I gained a lot of weight while I was on holiday.
E.g.: The car gained speed going down the hill.

Hire (v): 1-  to pay someone to do a job. 2- 聘请
E.g.: Laura sent James her CV (简历) and he decided to hire her.
E.g.: I was hired by the first company I applied to.

Muscle (n): 1- 肌肉

Scuba Diving (n): 1- 水肺潜水

Once = One time

Twice = Two times

Speaking exercise


The summer is coming. I want go on a diet. So I enrolled in a fitness class. I think sports are muscle and I think my power is not enough, so I can personal coach help me change my body. I have two times go to sport.


The summer is coming so I want go on a diet and I have also enrolled in a fitness class. I think I’m not very strong and sports are good for gaining muscle. So I hired a personal trainer to help me change my body / get in shape. I will go to the gym twice a week.