F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Raw (adj): 1-
(of food) not cooked:
E.g.: Sushi is often made with raw fish.

Notice (v): 1- to see or become conscious of something or someone. 2- 意识到
E.g.: I noticed a crack in the ceiling.
E.g.: Mary said hello to the man but he didn’t notice.
E.g.: He noticed that the woman was looking at him.

Coworker / Colleague (n): 1- a person who works with you.
E.g.: After work I went for dinner with my colleague.
E.g.: I get along really well with my coworkers.

Fair / Exhibition (n): 1- 展览会

Speaking exercise


I work as an intern for a beef importer and I recently went to an exhibition. I need to get up early, at 5:15 and went to the company and we need to move the luggage and we take the bus with the boss all is the boss, only me is a intern and I hear they talking about how to soluve the problem. Their mind is very clear how to soluve the things, always have a part a, part b to soluve the problem and when get to the show we need to talk with the stranger, let they be my client and they always asked the price. Someone take me around the show and told me which company is my client, which client is the line of business is the leader. She told me a lot knowledge from the business. I enjoyed the exhibition because it’s news for me, I first time for me to join the exhibition, I saw a lot of new things, new companies in there.


I work as an intern for a beef importer and I recently went to an exhibition. I had to get up early, at 5:15, and go to the company. Then we took our things and took the bus. On the bus everybody I was with was a boss (manager / an important person at the company) and I was the intern. I listened to them talking about how to solve problems  and noticed that their minds are very clear on how to solve things. There’s always a part a, and a part b. When we got to the show we had to talk with strangers and try to get new clients. We talked about the company, our prices and many other things. Then, my coworker took me around the show, showed our clients and the leaders in our line of business, and told me a lot of things about the business. I enjoyed the exhibition because it’s something new for me. As it was the first time I joined an exhibition, I saw a lot of new things, and new companies.


Shrimp: /ʃrɪmp/

Certificate: /sɚˈtɪf.ə.kət/

Word: /wɝːd/

World: /wɝːld/

Sushi: /ˈsuː.ʃi/

Documentary: /ˌdɑː.kjəˈmen.t̬ɚ.i/

Raw: /rɑː/

Weird: /wɪrd/

Influence: /ˈɪn.flu.əns/

Taught: /tɑːt/

Exhibition: /ˌek.səˈbɪʃ.ən/