F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Spread (v): 1-  to (cause to) cover, reach, or have an effect on a wider or increasing area.
E.g.: The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind.
E.g.: It started off as cancer of the liver (肝) but it spread to other areas of the body.
E.g.: We spread the picnic rug out on the ground and sat down to eat.
E.g.: The virus is spread (= given to other people) through contact with blood and other body fluids.
E.g.: Are you spreading (= telling a lot of people) gossip/rumors again?

Concern (v): 1- to cause worry to someone. 2- something that is important to you, or the fact of being important.
E.g.: The state of my father’s health concerns us greatly.
E.g.: It concerns me that he hasn’t been in contact.
E.g.: His concern to appear sophisticated amused everyone.
E.g.: The company’s sole concern is to ensure the safety of its employees.

Concerning (prep): 1- about.
E.g.: I’ve had a letter from the tax authorities concerning my tax payments.
E.g.: We wish to remove any ambiguity concerning our demands.
E.g.: They have been lobbying Congress to change the legislation concerning guns.

Concerning (adj): 1- making you feel slightly worried.
E.g.: The increase in crime in the area is very concerning.

Speaking exercise


In the past two weeks, my teammates almost had a cold. That’s terrible to us, because our schedule couldn’t finish on time, so we need to communicate with the our clients to explain why we were later. I remembered two weeks ago we ate a hot pot together and one guy had a cough. When we ending this party include me two people had a cold, then that I think that’s why we got a cold, it’s the reason.


In the past two weeks, almost all of my teammates had a cold. That’s terrible for us, because we couldn’t finish everything that was on our schedule on time, so we had to communicate with our clients to explain why we were late. I remember that two weeks ago we ate hot pot together and one of the guys had a cough. By the time the party was over,  two people, including me, had a cold. I think that’s how we all got a cold.


Very, very colder than before. – Much, much colder than before.

The snowman’s size only have a palm. – The snowman was only the size of a palm / of a hand.

Most colder. – Coldest.


Pause: /pɑːz/ 

Vehicle: /ˈviː.ə.kəl/

Camera: /ˈkæm.rə/


Cough: /kɑːf/