F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Status quo (n): 1- the present situation.
E.g.: Certain people always want to maintain the status quo.

Supremacy (n): 1- the leading or controlling position.
E.g.: The company has begun to challenge the supremacy of the current leading manufacturers in the textiles industry.
E.g.: The allies have established air supremacy (= military control of the sky).

Speaking exercise


I think last week we heard a news that is about Marriott Hotel. They make Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan as a country in their website, so when someone saw it they feel angry and they snap it to the public. Then Chinese government stopped their website and investigate it further, so any website related Marriott hotel in China they closed at that moment. So Chinese government take it very serious, because our company marketing team send an official email to everyone since we have the similar problem in our website and some assessment platforms. It’s sensitive, so we have to correct, in case we are in the same trouble as Marriott hotel. So these days I sent several emails to my colleagues in United States, tell them that this is a very serious thing and we have to discuss and align and correct them as soon as possible. Now we are still in discussion how to change the name on these materials, websites and platforms.


Recently I heard a major pice of news about the Marriott Hotel Group. According to the news, they listed Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan as countries on their website, so when people saw it they felt angry and shared it online with the public. Then, the Chinese government took their website down / offline / blocked their website in order to  investigate it further, so any web page related to Marriott hotels in China were closed at that moment. The Chinese government takes this kind of issue very seriously, so our company‘s marketing team sent an official email to everyone so we could check whether we have similar problems on our website or our assessment platforms. This is a sensitive matter, so we have to correct it to avoid getting in the same kind of trouble that the Marriott did. So these days I’ve been sending several emails to my colleagues in the United States, telling them that this is a very serious thing and we have to discuss, align, and correct it as soon as possible. Now we are still discussing how to change the name on these materials, websites and platforms.


Apologize letter – Apology letter


Issue: /ˈɪʃ.uË/

Supremacy: /suËˈprem.É™.si/