F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Arid (adj): 1- very dry and without enough rain for plants.
E.g.: The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.

Polka Dot (n): 1- one of a large number of small, round spots that are printed in a regular pattern on cloth:
E.g.: She’s wearing a pink dress with white polka dots.

Period (n): 1- the symbol (.) used in writing at the end of a sentence or at the end of the short form of a word. (When used in internet addresses, you should say “dot”)
E.g.: You should put a period at the end of that sentence.
E.g.: My email address is me@gmail.com (me-at-gmail-dot-com).

Blossom (v): 1-
When a tree or plant blossoms, it produces flowers before producing fruit that can be eaten. 2- When people blossom, they become more attractive, successful, or confident, and when good feelings or relationships blossom, they develop and become stronger
E.g.:The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.
E.g.:She has really blossomed recently.

Bloom (n/v): 1- When a flower blooms, it opens or is open, and when a plant or tree blooms it produces flowers.
E.g.:These flowers will bloom all through the summer.

Blossom Vs. Bloom: “Blossom” can be a verb describing the process of a bud slowly opening up into a bloom, or it can be a noun which describes a flower which is in the early stages of “opening” up into full bloom. If you like blooming flowers, it means you appreciate the beauty of flowers at their brightest and best.

Speaking exercise


I received a new task is about a popup store event for Sephora’s new products line. It’s called Skin N Seed. The inspiration of this line product is about the power of seeds, because they believe that seed encapsulate the power of nature and since their target are young generation, they are brave, independent, and full of inner power. It’s definitely they would love this product. The slogan of this new product is a phase in Chinese that could mean either ‘The Power of Nature” or “The Personality of Young People”.


Recently I received a new task about a popup store event for Sephora’s new product line called Skin N Seed. The inspiration for this line of products is the power of seeds, because our client believes that they encapsulate the power of nature.The slogan for this new product is a phase in Chinese that could mean either ‘The Power of Nature” or “Young People’s Personality”. Since their target is the young generation, which is brave, independent, and full of inner power, we are sure  that this product will be a hit.

do action=”pronunciation”/]

Campaign: /kæmˈpeɪn/

Previous: /ˈpriË.vi.É™s/

Desert: /ˈdez.ɚt/

Dessert: /dɪˈzÉËt/

Semi-arid: /ˌsem.iˈer.ɪd/

Seed: /siËd/