F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Singular (adj): 1- of or relating to the form of a word used when talking or writing about one thing:
E.g.: The word “woman” is singular.
E.g.: The singular of ‘mice’ is ‘mouse’.

Plural (adj): 1- a word or form that expresses more than one:
E.g.: “Geese” is the plural of “goose”.
E.g.: “Woman” in the plural is “women”.
E.g.: The plural of “millennium” is “millennia”.
E.g.: The plural of “car” is “cars”.

Instinct (n): 1- the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it.
E.g.: All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help.
E.g.: Her first instinct was to run.
E.g.: It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration.
E.g.:  Bob seems to have an instinct for (= is naturally good at) knowing which products will sell.

Speaking exercise


As you know, I began to learn English in order to get a job promotion. I think if you remember I think you know the promotion is very difficult from the beginning of February to now, and now I came across something special, because my new manager have his good friend joined our team. Although he just came here for two months, but my manager wants him to be the team leader, so I was failed for the promotion. You know, I have worked very hard during the past few months and did many contributions to the team, but he like his friend more than me.


As you know, I started learning English in order to get a job promotion, but it’s been very difficult since the beginning of February. Now I came across something even harder, because my new manager has brought his good friend into our team. Although he’s been working with us for only two months, my manager wants him to be the team leader, so I failed to get the promotion. I have worked very hard for the past few months and contributed a lot to the team, but he likes his friend more than me.


Summary something – Summarize something

No one said too much mistake of me. – No one told me what I did wrong / what my mistakes were. 

His friend is a senior technician in the before company. – His friend was a senior technician in his previous company.


Migrate: /ˈmaɪ.ɡreɪt/

Decade: /ˈdek.eɪd/

Millennium: /mɪˈlen.i.əm/