F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Adopt (v): 1- to legally take another person’s child into your own family and take care of him or her as your own child. 2- to accept or start to use something new.
E.g.: They’ve adopted a baby girl.
E.g.: She had the child adopted (= she gave her baby to someone else to take care of).
E.g.: I think it’s time to adopt a different strategy in my dealings with him.
E.g.: The new tax would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.

Doubt (v): 1- (a feeling of) not being certain about something, especially about how good or true it is:
E.g.: I’m having doubts about his ability to do the job.
E.g.: If there’s any doubt about the rocket’s engines, we ought to cancel the launch.
E.g.: The prosecution has to establish his guilt beyond reasonable doubt (us beyond a reasonable) doubt.
E.g.: This latest scandal has raised doubts about whether he could win the election.

Effective (adj): 1- successful or achieving the results that you want.
E.g.: It’s an extremely effective cure for a headache.
E.g.: The lighting for the production made a very effective use of shadow.
E.g.: She’s a very effective teacher.

Efficient (adj): 1- something or someone that works in a quick and organized way, achieving the aimed results in the best way possible.
E.g.: The city’s transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe.
E.g.: We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.
E.g.: The new online banking system offers a convenient and efficient way to check your account.


I really thought about to quit my job. – I really thought about quitting my job.

Nobody can give me a clearly answer. – Nobody can give me a clear answer.

Speaking exercise

Your Work

  1. What work do you do?
  2. Why did you choose to do that kind of work?
  3. Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work?
  4. What are your responsibilities at work?
  5. Do you remember your first day at work?
  6. What did you do on your first day at work?
  7. Did you like your first day at work?
  8. (Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at work?
  9. Do you think the first day at work is important?
  10. (Similar to above) Do you think a person’s first impressions of a new job are important?


I am a HRd work for a pharmaceutical company and my job responsibility is recruitment. I don’t think HR is a very hard industry for the fresh people who is graduate from university. HR cannot be paid a higher salary. About my first at my work, I remember it’s a very horrible dayd. When I went to my current company, it’s totally different with my previous company. My previous company is a HK company which is belong to a big business group and my recent company is a private ownerd company so the policy is very mixed, is very lake of many policy, so it’s very hard to do my job according to some policy which means I need to finish my job according to my experience. And I need to work for 2 department, 1 is consumerd department, the other is cosmetic department, the y are 2 bu head with 2 total different culture. And I need to arrange 2 different plans for them. This why at my first dayd I want to quit my job, really, because I really don’t like the culture for my recent culture. And I think it’s important for a company to create a orientation for a new staff which they can learn some finance routine, HR policy, or otherd supporting functions policy. They can learn about. If the first impression is good, they will feeld much comfortable, but if not, they will feeld very weird to work in this kind of company. They will adopt their choice… They will think about did they have a right choice or not.


I work for a pharmaceutical company in HR and my job responsibility is recruitment.
I work for a pharmaceutical company in HR and I am responsible for recruitment.

I don’t think HR is a very trendy/popular industry for the new university graduates. HR salaries are usually/normally lower than marketing or sales departments. 

About my first day at my current company, I remember it was a very horrible day. When I first went there, it was totally different from my previous company. My previous company is a HK company which belongs to a big business group and my current place of employment is privately owned. This means there is a lack of policies, therefore, it’s very hard to tell staff which procedures and policies to follow. So,  I often advise them according to my experience.

I work for 2 departments at the same time: the consumer department, and the cosmetic department, and I need to arrange different plans for each of them. They are very different in their business culture, because the heads of each BU have opposite characteristics. That’s why I wanted to quit my job in my first day. I really don’t like the culture at my current company. I think it’s important for a company to create an orientation for new staff, so that they can learn some routine financial work, HR policy, or other supporting functions. If the first impression is good, they will feel very comfortable, if not, they will feel very sad to work in this kind of company and question whether they have made the right choice in joining it.


Atmosphere: /ˈæt.mə.sfɪr/

Previous: /ˈpriË.vi.É™s/

Lack: /læk/

Owned: /oʊnd/

Unit: /ˈjuË.nɪt/

Unite: /juËˈnaɪt/