F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Mutual (adj): 1- (of two or more people or groups) feeling the same emotion, or doing the same thing to or for each other.
E.g.: Theirs was a partnership based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.
E.g.: Both countries are acting to their mutual advantage.
E.g.: The agreement was terminated by mutual agreement.

Consent (n): 1- permission or agreement.
E.g.: They can’t publish your name without your consent.
E.g.: You can only come on the trip if your parents give their consent.

Beneficial (adj): 1-  helpful, useful, or good.
E.g.: The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial effect/influence on the company as a whole.
E.g.: A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.

Addicted (adj): 1-  unable to stop taking drugs, or doing something as a habit.
E.g.: By the age of 14 he was addicted to heroin (海洛因).
E.g.: I’m addicted to (= I very often eat) chocolate.
E.g.: I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted.

Rush hour (n): 1- the busy part of the day when towns and cities are crowded, either in the morning when people are travelling to work, or in the evening when people are traveling home.
E.g.: I was stuck in the rush hour traffic, so I was late for the meeting.

Madrid (n): 1- 马德里

Speaking exercise


I can drive cars, but I have driven cars by myself. I have got my driving license for almost ten years, but I’m scared of driving on the road. My father always pushes me to practice driving, but I’m not addicted to driving cars. I think if needed for my work I will practice driving. I think cars is a good vehicle to cars, that’s because it’s very convenient, but at the same time it brings a lot of environment pollutions and other problems. Sometimes the traffic is very crowded, so that it’ll waste a lot of time in the road. The government has announced some strategies to solve the problems. They set some laws to limit the quantity of cars and adjust the crowded time.


I can drive, but I have driven a car by myself. I have got my license almost ten years ago, but I’m still scared of driving on the road. Although my father always pushes me to practice,  I don’t really like doing it, but I think if needed for work, I will. I think cars are really good and very convenient, but at the same time they bring a lot of environmental pollution and other problems. Sometimes roads are very crowded, so that we waste a lot of time on traffic jams. The government has announced some strategies to solve these problems, such as passing some laws to limit the number of cars and reduce traffic during the rush hour.


I don’t really like it. = I like it, but not very much.

I really don’t like it. = I don’t like it at all.


Profit: /ˈprɑː.fɪt/

Beneficial: /ˌben.əˈfɪʃ.əl/

Blocked: /blɒkt/

Driven: /ˈdrɪv.ən/