F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Rare (adj): 1- not common; very unusual:
E.g.: He died of a very rare disease.
E.g.: Diamonds are very rare. That’s why they are so expensive.
E.g.: It’s very rare to find these birds in England in winter.

Symptom (n): 1- something that you feel when you get a disease.
E.g.: He’s complaining of all the usual flu symptoms – a high temperature, headache, and so on.

Artificial (adj): 1- made by people; not natural.
E.g.: This is an artificial lake.
E.g.: Is this color natural or artificial?

Propose (v): 1- to offer or suggest a possible plan or action for other people to consider. 2- to ask someone to marry you. (n: Proposal)
E.g.: He proposed a plan to increase the sales.
E.g.: He proposed to his wife when they were on a trip to Paris.
E.g.: His boss was very satisfied with his proposal.
E.g.: I’m planning a proposal for when me and my girlfriend go on holiday next month.

Purpose (n): 1- why you do something or why something exists.
E.g.: The purpose of the research is to try to find out more about the causes of the disease.
E.g.: His only purpose in life seems to be to enjoy himself.

On purpose (adv): 1- If you do something on purpose, you do it intentionally (=故意地), not by accident.
E.g.: I didn’t do it on purpose – it was an accident.

Issue (n): 1- a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about.
E.g.: I had an issue at home, that’s why I’m late.
E.g.: The government is trying to deal with the issue of air pollution.

Ignore (v): 1- to not listen or give attention to something / someone on purpose.
E.g.: She can be really annoying but I try to ignore her.
E.g.: It’s okay. Just try to ignore the problem!
E.g.: I smiled at her but she just ignored me.

Owl (n): 1- 猫头鹰

Diabetes (n): 1- 糖尿病

Drugs (n): 1- 毒品

Peru (n): 1- 秘鲁

Machu Pichu (n): 1- 马丘比丘


Going to bed late shortens our life, says study
(Source: www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1804/180416-sleeping-late-2.html)

A study says that going to bed late may be bad for us. It could shorten our life. The study was done in the UK. Researchers spent six-and-a-half years looking at 430,000 adults between the ages of 38 and 73. The researchers compared the deaths of people who went to bed early to those who went to bed late. Night owls (people who go to bed late) were 10 per cent more likely to die during the period of the study. The researchers said that night owls were at a higher risk of poor health or an early death compared to early birds (people who sleep and wake up early).

The researchers said working hours should change to reduce the risks for night owls. A researcher said: “This is a public health issue that can no longer be ignored.” He said night owls should start and finish work later in the day so they could sleep longer in the morning. He said night owls were more likely to suffer from mental problems, diabetes, and breathing problems. They were also more likely to smoke, drink alcohol and take drugs. Researchers also said different sleeping patterns at weekends could increase the chances of health problems for night owls.


Contaminated: /kənˈtæm.ə.neɪ.t̬ɪd/

Probably: /ˈprɑː.bə.bli/

Rare: /rer/

Artificial: /ˌɑːr.t̬əˈfɪʃ.əl/

Variety: /vəˈraɪə.t̬i/

Preservative: /prɪˈzɝː.və.t̬ɪv/

Tomato: UK:  /təˈmɑː.təʊ/ US:  /təˈmeɪ.t̬oʊ/ 

Purpose: /ˈpɝː.pəs/

Propose: /prəˈpoʊz/

Proposal: /prəˈpoʊ.zəl/

Activity: /ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬i/

Equipment: /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/

Late: /leɪt/

Later: /ˈleɪ.t̬ɚ/

Owl: /aʊl/

Issue: /ˈɪʃ.uː/