F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Illegible (adj): 1- (of writing or print) impossible or almost impossible to read.
E.g.: His writing is almost illegible.

Passer-by (n): 1- someone who is going past a particular place.
E.g.:A passer-by saw smoke and called the firemen.

Good Samaritan (n): 1- someone who helps people in trouble.
E.g.: When he fell in the water, a good samaritan jumped in and saved him.

Spot (v): 1- to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard. 2- a small, usually round area of color that is differently colored or lighter or darker than the surface around it. 3- a place.
E.g.: I’ve just spotted Mark – he’s over there, near the entrance.
E.g.: He had a spot of oil on his shirt.
E.g.: This looks like a nice spot for a picnic.

Struggle (v): 1-  to have difficulty and make a lot of effort to do something.
E.g.: The dog is struggling to get free.
E.g.: I’ve been struggling to understand this article all afternoon.

Launch (v/n): 1-  an occasion when a ship is put into water, or a spacecraft is sent into space, for the first time. 2- to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product. 3- an event to celebrate or introduce something new.
E.g.: The launch of the space shuttle (航天飞机) was delayed for 24 hours because of bad weather.
E.g.: The program was launched a year ago.
E.g.: How much champagne will we need for the launch?

Rescue (v): 1- to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant situation:
E.g.: The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.

Chain (n): 1- rings usually made of metal that are connected together and used for fastening, pulling, supporting, or limiting freedom, or as jewelry. 2- 锁链
E.g.: The gates were locked  with a heavy steel chain.

Bachelor’s Degree (n): 1- 学士学位

Master’s Degree (n): 1-硕士

Doctorate / PhD (n): 1- 博士学位

Medical School (n): 1- 医学院

Bible (n): 1- 圣经

Needs more review

Squiggle (n): 1-  a short line that has been written or drawn and that curves and twists in a way that is not regular. (adv: Squiggly)
E.g.: His signature was an illegible squiggle at the bottom of the page.


See you in one month later. – See you in one month. / See you next month (less specific).


Man Saves a Dog
(Source: www.newsinlevels.com/products/man-saves-a-dog-level-3/)

A passer-by spotted a dog struggling in the River Thames, so he jumped in to help. He saved the dog by attaching it to rescue chains near Westminster Bridge, but then he found himself in need of saving.

The police launched a lifeboat, which pulled the Good Samaritan and the dog from the water, which then re-united with its owner.


Increase: /ɪnˈkriːs/

Decrease: /ˈdiː.kriːs/

Vocabulary: /voʊˈkæb.jə.ler.i/

Tortoise: /ˈtɔːr.t̬əs/

Calorie: /ˈkæl.ɚ.i/

Squiggle: /ˈskwɪɡ.əl/

Squiggly:  /ˈskwɪɡ.əl.i/

Illegible: /ɪˈledʒ.ə.bəl/