F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Intention (n): 1- something that you want and plan to do. (adj: Intentional)
E.g.: It wasn’t my intention to exclude her from the list – I just forgot her.

Intentionally (adv): 1- on purpose.
E.g.: I didn’t do it intentionally.

Emit (v): 1-  to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas. (n: Emission)
E.g.: The Paris Agreement aims to create policies for countries to emit less greenhouse gases..

Greenhouse Gases a gas that causes the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide (CO2).
E.g.:  The Paris Agreement aims to create lower the emissions of greenhouse gases..

Miner (n): 1- person who works in a mine, extracting something from the ground, such as gold, diamonds, coal, etc.
E.g.: He works as a coal miner

Outrage (n): 1- a feeling of anger and shock:
E.g.: These murders have provoked outrage across the country.

Outrageous (adj): 1- shocking and morally unacceptable.
E.g.: The judge criticized the “outrageous greed” of some of the bankers.

Mitigation (n): 1- a reduction in how harmful, unpleasant, or bad something is:
E.g.: (mitigation of sth) The planning process should have addressed mitigation of damage to the environment.
E.g.: (a mitigation plan/measure/projec)t For every possible problem, there must be a mitigation measure in the plan.
E.g.: (mitigation funds/grants/money) The victims received federal aid in the form of disaster mitigation funds.

Applaud (v): 1- to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech by clapping the hands repeatedly to make a noise. 2- to say that you admire and agree with a person’s action or decision.
E.g.: You should have heard the audience applaud – the noise was fantastic.
E.g.: Many people are applauding his decision.

Solar (adj): 1- of or from the sun, or using the energy from the sun to produce electric power.
E.g.: China is investing billions of dollars in solar energy.

Atmosphere (n): 1– 大气层

Coal (n): 1- 煤炭

Hashtag (n): 1- #

O2 = Oxygen
CO2 = Carbon dioxide
H = Hydrogen
H2O2 = Hydrogen Peroxyde


Outrage: /ˈaʊt.reɪdʒ/

Yesterday:  /ˈjes.tɚ.deɪ/

Ambiguous: /æmˈbɪɡ.ju.əs/

Oxygen: /ˈɑËk.sɪ.dÊ’É™n/

Dioxide: /daɪˈɑËk.saɪd/

Hydrogen: /ˈhaɪ.drə.dʒən/

Miner: /ˈmaɪ.nɚ/


The Paris Agreement and Trump
(Source: www.newsinlevels.com/products/paris-agreement-and-trump-level-3/)

Environmentalists are outraged, as Trump announced the US would withdraw out of the Paris Agreement, which is an agreement on dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.

Public figures, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Trudeau and Hillary Clinton, took to twitter with the #Paris Agreement. Emmanuel Macron, Australia Greens Party Leader, and the Japanese Environment Minister made announcement in response to Trump, with the Japanese Minister saying that he is not only disappointed, but greatly angered.

In contrast, Americans in coal-mining regions of the USA are applauding Trump’s decision which protects their jobs as he promised.