F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Expensive (adj): 1- costing a lot of money.
E.g.:iPhones are very expensive.
E.g.:We ate at a very expensive restaurant last night.

Astronaut (n): 1- a person who has been trained for traveling in space.
E.g.: When Raph was a child, he wanted to be an astronaut.

Pianist (n): 1- someone who plays the piano.
E.g.: Michelle is a great pianist.

Capital (adj): 1- a city that is the centre of government of a country or smaller political area:
E.g.: The capital of the United States of America is Washington D.C..
E.g.: The capital of Brazil is Brasilia.

Elderly (adj): 1- polite word for old.
E.g.: An elderly couple live next door.
E.g.: We should give up our seats for the elderly.

Giant (adj/n): 1- very, very big. 2- an imaginary creature like a man but extremely tall, strong, and usually very cruel, appearing especially in children’s stories.
E.g.: We just bought a giant sandwich.
E.g.: When I was younger, I was really scared of giants.

Enclosure (n): 1- an open area with walls for an animal to live inside.
E.g.: My father just built an enclosure for our new cat.

Sensation (n): 1- something that is very popular and a lot of people like.
E.g.: Fidget spinners have become a big sensation in the last few months.


I am born in Hong Kong. – I was born in Hong Kong.


Tortoise Takes a Walk
(Source: www.newsinlevels.com/products/tortoise-takes-a-walk-level-2/)

In Japan, a woman bought her husband a giant African tortoise from a pet store. He built the tortoise an enclosure and fed it fruits and vegetables.

He also started to walk it through the city of Tokyo, much to people’s surprise, as the tortoise may be 70 kilograms heavy and is huge. The tortoise is now an Internet sensation.

The man said that the animal is becoming selfish because it wants to make new paths when they walk together, but the man was smiling when he said this.


Future:  /ˈfjuË.tʃɚ/

Sudoku:  /suˈdoÊŠ.kuË/