F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Volume (n): 1- he level of sound produced by a television, radio, etc., or the switch (button) or other device controlling this.
E.g.: Could you turn the volume down, please, I’m trying to sleep.
E.g.: I’ll turn it up if you tell me which one is the volume (= switch)

Identical (adj): 1- exactly the same, or very similar.
E.g.: I’ve got three identical blue suits.
E.g.: The two rooms were identical.

Virtually (adv): 1- almost.
E.g.: Their twins are virtually identical.
E.g.: That wine stain on my shirt has virtually disappeared.

Imperial (adj): 1- belonging or relating to an empire (帝国) or the person or country that rules it.
E.g.: The imperial guards walked into the palace.
E.g.: The emperor (皇帝) lived in the imperial palace.

Well-being (n): 1- the state of feeling healthy and happy:
E.g.: People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.

Insomnia (n): 1-  the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time.
E.g.: She suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work.

Panic attack (n): 1-  a sudden period of severe anxiety in which your heart beats fast, you have trouble breathing, and you feel as if something very bad is going to happen. 2- 恐慌发作
E.g.: When they were at the airport, she had a severe panic attack.


I turn the voice very small. – I turn the volume down very low.

Not very understand. – I don’t really understand.

Have a rest – Take a rest. / Rest.


Coffee Drinkers May Live Longer
(Source: breakingnewsenglish.com/1707/170713-drinking-coffee-5.html)

There is possible good news for coffee lovers. Drinking three or more cups a day may help you live longer. This is according to a study from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and Imperial College London. Researchers looked at data on half a million people over the age of 35 from 10 countries. They suggest that drinking coffee means a lower risk of early death, particularly from heart diseases. They said people who had at least three cups of coffee are up to 18% less likely to die from health problems than non-coffee drinkers.

Not all experts agree with the research. Some say the health benefits of coffee could be because coffee drinkers have more money and so are healthier. They also say that coffee drinkers may socialize more and this may increase wellbeing and help people to live longer. They say the research does not prove that drinking coffee has health benefits. Researchers also warn against drinking too much coffee. The maximum amount of caffeine to be safe is around 400 mg. More than this increases the risk of panic attacks, heart problems, and insomnia.


Store: /stɔːr/

Stone: /stoʊn/

Unique: /juːˈniːk/

Identical: /aɪˈden.t̬ə.kəl/

Virtually: /ˈvɝː.tʃu.ə.li/

Recommended: /ˌrekəˈmendɪd/

Health: /helθ/

Healthy: /ˈhel.θi/

Milligram (mg):  /ˈmɪl.ɪ.ɡræm/