F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Increase (v): 1- to (make something) become larger in amount or size.
E.g.: The company wants to increase sales.
E.g.: Temperatures in the city have increased over the years.

Budget (v): 1- to plan how much money you will spend on something:
E.g.: An extra $20 million has been budgeted for schools this year.
E.g.: They said that they had not budgeted for pay increases this year.
E.g.: More people are using computers to help them plan and budget efficiently.

Abandoned (adj): 1-  left in a particular place or condition, usually forever.
E.g.: There’s an abandoned house on my street.
E.g.: An abandoned baby was found in a box on the hospital steps.
E.g.: People feel abandoned by the government.

Category (n): 1- (in a system for dividing things according to appearance, quality, etc.) a type, or a group of things having some features that are the same.
E.g.: There are three categories of accommodation at the hotel – standard, executive, and deluxe.
E.g.: There’s a prize for the fastest three runners in each category.

Passionate (adj): 1- having very strong feelings or emotions.
E.g.: He made a very passionate speech.
E.g.: Joe is passionate about baseball (= he likes it very much).

Campaign (v/n): 1- work in an organized and active way toward a particular goal, usually a political or social one. 2- 竞选活动
E.g.: People are campaigning against child labor.
E.g.: A campaign was created to help solve the problem.

Arouse (v): 1- to cause someone to have a particular feeling.
E.g.: It’s a subject that has aroused a lot of interest.

Trash (n): 1- 垃圾


(Source: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1905/190509-library-2.html)

Garbage collectors in Turkey’s capital Ankara are recycling books they find in the trash. They created a mobile library full of books that people have thrown away. There are over 9,000 books on its shelves. The books are divided into over 20 categories, including politics, romance, history, literature, health and economics. The library is inside a truck that tours schools around Ankara. The garbage collectors want to make children more passionate about books, especially in the age of mobile phones and tablets. Many schools do not have a reading room or library.

The library has got a lot of attention and there is a campaign for it to grow. People in Turkey are sending their old books to the library. The library director said: “The interest is growing. Each day we have guests coming here to borrow books or have a quiet time to read.” A library worker said: “We have books here for children aged from six to ten, but also books for older children, like world classics and fiction novels. We hope that it will…arouse a passion for books.” Turkey has just one public library for every 70,000 people, compared to one for every 6,200 people in the European Union.


Working in advertising is very tired. – Working in advertising is very tiring.

We need to overtime work. – We need to work overtime.

At work we speak Chinese almost. At work we speak Chinese most of the time.


Modern: /ˈmɑː.dɚn/

Technology: /tekˈnɑː.lə.dʒi/

Architecture: /ˈɑːr.kə.tek.tʃɚ/

Opposite: /ˈɑː.pə.zɪt/

Cicada: /sɪˈkɑː.də/

Contemporary: /kənˈtem.pə.rer.i/

Economics: /ˌiː.kəˈnɑː.mɪks/

Passionate: /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/

Category:  /ˈkæt̬.ə.ɡri/

Abandoned: /əˈbæn.dənd/

Arouse: /əˈraʊz/