F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Eyebrow (n): 1- the line of short hairs above each eye in humans.
E.g.: Do you pluck your eyebrows (= remove some of the hairs to change their shape)?

Alarm clock (n): 1-  a clock that you can set to wake you up at a particular time with a loud noise:
E.g.: My alarm clock went off at 7.30.

Maternity Leave (n): 1- a period in which a woman is legally allowed to be absent from work in the weeks before and after she gives birth.
E.g.: Some countries have have up to 6 months of maternity leave, while some have none at all.

Tower (n): 1-  tall, narrow structure, often square or circular, that either forms part of a building or stands alone. 2- a very tall building.
E.g.:  When we went to Paris, the first thing I wanted to do was seeing the Eiffel tower
E.g.: The Shanghai Tower is the second tallest building in the world.

Story (n): a level of a building:
E.g.: He lives in a three-story house.

Fire engine (n): 1- a large vehicle like a truck that carries firefighters and their equipment to a fire.
E.g.: Three fire engines and 30 firefighters came to put out the fire.

Refurbishment (n): work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning that is done to make a building look new again:
E.g.: The museum has undergone a £15 million refurbishment.

Stability (n): 1-  a situation in which something is not likely to move or change.
E.g.: After the fire, the firefighters checked the building’s stability.
E.g.: This has been a period of economic stability.
E.g.: We all need some stability in our lives.
E.g.: Our country has enjoyed a long period of peace and stability.

Justice (n): 1-  fairness in the way people are dealt with.
E.g.: After the attack, people were angrily asking for justice.
E.g.: There’s no justice in the world when people can be made to suffer like that.

Murder (n/v): 1- the crime of intentionally killing a person.
E.g.: Two sisters have been charged with (= officially accused of) murder.
E.g.: He murdered his own father.

Chant (v): 1- to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously:
E.g.: The crowd were chanting the team’s name.

Protest (n): 1- an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc..
E.g.: There have been protests all over the country, asking the president to step down.


I have a clock at 6 o’clock. – I set my alarm to 6 o’clock

I have shower at the morning. – I have shower in the morning. 

My alarm clock went off at seven half. – My alarm clock went off at seven thirty. /My alarm clock went off at half past seven.


Fire in London
(Source: www.newsinlevels.com/products/fire-in-london-level-2/)

On Wednesday early morning, a fire started in an apartment tower in west London. The whole 24-story building was on fire in just two hours.

Forty fire engines and 200 firefighters came to put out the fire and save the people inside. About 50 people went to hospitals across London, and at least six people died.

People built the tower in 1974, and spent millions of pounds recently on refurbishments. However, before the fire, some people said that they were worried about the fire safety. The cause of the fire and the stability of the building is being investigated.

On Friday 16th, protesters entered Kensington Town Hall and chanted ‘murderers’. There was also a protest in London. People wanted justice for the victims of the fire.


Eyebrow: /ˈaɪ.braʊ/

Lipstick: /ˈlɪp.stɪk/

Vegetable: /ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl/

Refurbishment: /ˌriːˈfɝː.bɪʃmənt/


Justice: /ˈdʒʌs.tɪs/


Chant: /tʃænt/
